Part 40

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Mark's POV
I fucked up. He's going to leave me. I can't go back to the hotel tonight... it's better if I go home now.. let him calm down... Maybe... I wonder if Vampires can die? If so, I wish I was dead. I've hurt him... the couple, shit I almost killed Damien... And.. I...
I started to cry. I held my face in my palms and sobbed all night. the next morning I found myself still outside the door to the hotel room. I quickly stood up and ran out of the hotel. I ran. I didn't stop. tears were still falling as I ran to the airport. I had left my ticket with Jack... so I have to wait for later... My eyes feel really heavy now... A nap might help...


"Merk... Wake up babe... I'm sorry" I open my eyes and see Jack, Wade, Tyler, Ethan and Bob standing over me. I look at Jack, then to the ground. I feel Jack sit next to me and hold me. It's not right... Not fair... I start to cry onto his shoulder.
"Jack.. I'm sorry for lying and for hiding things from you and I'm sorry that you have to suffer because of me.." He rubs my back and I start to calm down. That is, Until I smell Blood. My fangs are almost immediately showing. I back away from him and sniff the air.
"Who's... Who's bleeding?" He jumps and moves next to me again. He smiles weakly.
"Me... I.. I am. Merk.. Wade told me about te numbers... And.. I almost didn't want to see ye again. But I understood. I understand why ye did it... I know that you'll never do it again.." I turn away from him and sigh.
"It.. Wasn't a squirrel Merk was it?" I look at him with guilt in my eyes.
"No... It wasn't.." He frowns but stays next to me. He holds up his hand to my face. I see that he has a cut on his palm.
"Merk... Drink something please.." I push his arm away.
"No! I won't hurt anyone ever again! If I do... I.. I'll stake myself!" Jack looks hurt. He pulls me into a kiss and tricks me into biting his lip. I taste his blood. It's so good... But I shouldn't... I need to stop drinking.. But I can't. He flinches with pain as I force myself away. I shift uncomfortably and realize that he's smiling. He hugged me and kissed my cheek.
"Merk... Come on home... It's alright.. I love ye darling.." I sit up and hug him tightly. After wards I stand and face Wade.
"Thank you... And.. I'm sorry.. " Wade frowns at me and looks at the ground.
"I didn't do it for you... I.. I care about you Mark.. But I'm scared." I nod my head and feel a tear threaten to fall. 

 "I understand Wade... I'm sorry you feel that way, but I understand.." He small smile forms on his face. He awkwardly pulls me into a hug. I bury my nose into his neck and sigh. I feel him tense up.

"It's alright Wade... trust me please... I would never hurt you or Jack or anyone else. Promise." He nods and Pulls jack into the hug. Jack  awkwardly hugs us and I pull away. Jack grabs my hand and pulls me too him. When i get close he kisses me on the lips. We grab our bags and start heading to the boarding dock. Me and Jack sit next to each other while we wait. I felt my phone Vibrate and I went to check it.

Jackaboy 💚                                                                                                                                                                                 Hey Mark... I just wanted to say.. that I want to be like you. we can get a small house in the woods, like Ty and Eth, but then we can still record videos and stuff. I just think it would be nice to be together forever... you know? And think... we can help people forever! (Unless we get bored haha) but I'd like to be like you. Please Just think about it first..

Markimoo❤️                                                                                                                                                                               Jack... I don't know if I'm ready for that... the process is risky and I don't want to hurt you.. When we get home, we can upload, then we'll talk about this IRL... Okay Babes?

Jackaboy💚                                                                                                                                                                              Okay.. that's fine.. Love you Mark. 

Markimoo❤️                                                                                                                                                                               Love you too....

  I look over at Jack and smile. I kiss him on the cheek and stand up to board the plane. I slept most of the way home... 


Hey Gently Clowns! Just wanted to thank you for the support! I had Started the #MarchusAnnus challenge however due to unexpected Circumstances I'm afraid I have to resign. I may or may not return, however it will not be MarchusAnnus. My apologize to Mark and Ethan as this was something I was hoping to do. I'd like to think my Mother will allow me to make a video explaining but... things might take a while. I'll be uploading from my School computer so please be patient with me as I upload. When I come back to YouTube I'll provide a link to my channel if you want me too... just leave a comment If I should/Shouldn't. Anywho! thank you for reading this if you did... This chapter was 755 words... excluding this chunk of text lol.. Well... Bye Bye for now Gentleclowns....

Vampire Markiplier: A Septiplier StoryWhere stories live. Discover now