26| who'd want to be single when there's a person like her?

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Song title from:
Teddy Picker

June 1st, 2013
23.30 p.m.

Talaska's POV

"Let me get this straight."
I express my dissatisfaction through my phone microphone.

"You didn't invite me to your fucking engagement party because Alex Fucking Turner was there?!"

Matt takes a long pause before answering a mumbled yes.

"Because you were afraid that it would be awkward?! Matt, how dare you?! Miles was there, and and Nick and Jamie and and..."

I really didn't have any other social connections with the lads honestly.

"And Breanna."
I joke half-heartedly.

"I'd be bloody scared if she wasn't."
He retorts back with a small chuckle.

"For fucks sake Matt, are you not gonna invite me to your wedding too because of him?" This causes Matt to snap back to a bit of seriousness.

"Yanno, I was just hoping maybe like I could have two separate weddings yanno, like in the morning it'd be with Alex but like in the evening it'd be with you."

"Are you fucking mad Matt?! I don't care about Alex being there! You're getting married. Married, Matt! Do you not understand what a big deal this is for me?! It's a very big deal! Up to this day, I thought you would live the rest of your fucking life eating raspberry ice cream in front of your tv, might I add- only in a pair of boxers and whilst on a call with me only to complain about how Han Solo shouldn't have died! So no, I will not let the fact that Alex will also be attending your wedding get in the way of seeing my best friend get married! Once! Not the second time! Do you understand?!"

I yell through the phone as I pace around my apartment living room. I hear Breanna's voice in the distance through the call.

"She's not taking it well, huh?"

"No I am not Breanna!"

I hear a loud laugh from her.

"And how come you couldn't just tell me that you weren't gonna invite me to your party tonight. That way I wouldn't have learned about it through Miles' instagram! I'm fucking butthurt man! I get you and Alex have known each other since like you guys were fetus' but, still! I'm one of your best friends! I, I thought you would've at least, I don't know, told me about the engagement?"

I hear Matt take a deep breath and I can just imagine him in his house right at this moment, with a hand rubbing his temple in frustration.

"I'm sorry, okay? I'm deeply, deeply sorry. I don't want to hurt you. You've been through so much, Tal. The last thing I would want for you is to suddenly fall off the band wagon, yanno?"

"I don't think I would throw away two months of sobriety just because of a clash-in with an ex, Matt. I'm not that fucking unstable."

"I'm not saying you're unstable, it's just,,, I know it's been hard for you, for the both of you. Equally. And like finally the both of you are just moving on, yanno, just fuckin' goin' ahead yeah. You with rehab and sobriety and like Al just askin' for Arielle's number after all those times of just locking himself in his room, yanno. Things are good for everyone and I don't want-"

"Al asked a girl out?"

I interrupt Matt.

"I mean, no. Not,,, yet. Per-say. He just asked for her number. But, I dunno! Fucks sake! I'm a fuck up. He,,, he'll probably ask her out, he was planning on it."

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