39| she really hasn't seen Blade Runner!!!

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Song title from:
Star Treatment

02:45 a.m.

The flow of the club has gradually descended and with it, it's crowd followed. Almost the entirety of the people that showed up for Rob's birthday party have gone home or moved to another location to end the night. Miles had to split an hour or so ago due to Sarah, his girlfriend, suddenly feeling sick. Ironically, Matt also had to leave after receiving a call from Bri, whom wasn't able to come because of food poisoning she recently got from a sketchy soup store they went to days ago. She seemed panicky and nervous, refusing to say why through the phone.

So that left Alex.

The whole night I was too preoccupied in keeping Rob happy and also juggling the responsibilities of being the host, which made it difficult to balance out my time with hosting, Rob and also Alex. Alex barely knew anyone here, I couldn't just leave him be.

Rob offered to help but I knew that deep down all he wanted to do was get shit-faced with his close friends, some of which I went as far as flying them out from London. So I saved him from the inconvenience of hosting duties, sure I was able to handle it all on my own anyway. But after running to and fro because magically and idiotically, the bar, yes the bar of a gay strip club, ran out of ice and after countless empty conversation interludes with guests, I finally sat back and said fuck it.

The only thing I wanted to do by then was join Rob, get shit-faced, and make a fool of myself by dancing like a total idiot.

For the rest of the night I, Alex, Rob, Tom, along with Rob's other close friends drank and danced, tiring ourselves by running from the DJ to the dance floor, numerously requesting different songs we could sing out loud to. Overall, after leaving all my hosting duties and giving absolutely no shits whatsoever about ice, it was a pretty great night.

I'd be lying if I said I didn't feel Robbed of Rob, he was so occupied with his old friends half the time I'd sometimes feel left out. But I understood. I had him all day prior and besides, Alex kept me company.

However, Rob started partying and drinking way before I joined in, leaving him and Tom super intoxicated at the end of it. Before everyone's departure, Rob and Tom were long gone and passed out on the white leather seats. Their legs intertwined as they lay opposite each other, I couldn't help but laugh and take endless pictures, elated that I had yet another set of photos Rob will be embarrassed to look back at.

One of my favorites was of the day he asked me to shave his hair after finding out he got the part for High Life. He'd been so hyped for a new look with a fresh cut, but after only shaving off both sides of his head, he knew he would only be disappointed with the result.

Immediately I captured his pouty and regretful face with my phone, laughing hysterically as Robert stared at me in desperation. I tried calming him down afterwards.

It didn't help that Miles and Alex, whom were at my apartment hanging around at the time, joined in on the mess and decided to shave their heads as well, as an attempt to cheer Rob up a bit- only to look ridiculously dashing. Miles did at least, Alex yelped and jumped off the stool when he heard the shaver buzz near his ear. He swore he'd make up for the empty promise of shaving his head, but that day wasn't the day for it.

Robert absolutely despised being bald for reasons only he can understand, I couldn't grasp the idea of him ever looking un-handsome or unattractive with any type of hairstyle or lack there of. His new very bald haircut made his already too perfect face features, even more prominent of it's existence.

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