40| you and me could have been

230 11 11

Trying something new here:)
Two more chapters and this story will finally be finished😪🤧 Hope you guys have enjoyed so far🌼
Song title from:
Knee socks

03:05 a.m.

Third Person POV

Eventually, the four parted ways. Alex insisted on being dropped at a bar near enough his flat where his fiancee waited patiently for him, whilst the rest of the three continued their way back to Talaska's apartment. As Talaska paid the driver and helped the still, very well unconscious Tom into the apartment lobby, Alex was already finishing the remnants of his beer. Robert had successfully been able to sober up considerably, and was now able to walk by himself, stumbling only then and there.

Talaska let out an annoyed grunt as her phone rung indicating someone was calling, she let it slip to voicemail.

She fought the urge to let out a tiny scream as she read the yellow paper taped on the elevator; "Out of service. Fixed tomorrow morning:)", the phone still ringing excruciatingly loud- at least to her.

That fucking smiley face is mocking me, she thought to herself. Her apartment was on the 3rd floor which, if weren't for current conditions, would be of no indifference. Robert was quick to try and assist her by carrying Tom, although at the first step he almost managed to make three of them fall backwards and stumble down the stairs. Talaska opted for no assistance.

As Talaska finally reached her floor, Alex had finally reached his apartment entrance. He glanced at the old rustic bricked building up and down, and concluded that he liked his old flat better. The one he had before moving in to Taylors. For some reason, the flat they shared seemed so foreign to him.

His phone buzzed in the pocket of his jeans, Alex assumed it was Taylor yet again asking for his whereabouts- he decides to not answer.

Talaska stumbled through the carpeted hallway with Toms arm draped around her shoulders and Robert tottering behind- an elevator brings Alex to his second floor flat.

As if in a paralleled unison, Alex and Talaska both stop in front of their home doors as their phones let out different tones of notifications.

Jesus, if the person texting me right now isn't dying then I swear to god.

Bloody fuck Taylor, calm your balls down.

They think simultaneously as they both tug out their phones, the sound of their phones buzzing and ringing echo through each of their hallways. They swiped through their phones and opened the group chat popping up a new notification each second, both surprised to find that it was a certain group chat that had been unused and quite quiet for the last few months.

Scrolling through the text, they found no one saying anything beside one person; Matt Helders.

Referred to as 'Matt', or 'Matt-titties', depending on whose phone read on. The two scrunched up their eyebrows in a mixture of confusion and annoyance, and read every text, a short review going:




That one word was repeated over 20 times, later on going:


You twats arent

Answering so ill

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