28| you're a liar, you're a cheat (2)

254 9 2

Song title from:
Used to be my girl

September 16th, 2013
11:30 a.m.

Harry woke up from his sleep slowly, blinking rapidly to adjust his eyes to the bright sun coming through my bedroom windows. He rubbed them with the bottom palms of his hands and sat up, his brown curl going every direction possible. Still not used to the bright light, he only opens one eye to my direction- the corner of my room, sitting silently with my knees pressed to my chest and a book in my hands.

"Hey, Tal."
He said, his voice still groggy from his long sleep. It used to be the voice I longed to hear every morning, but now it irritated me despite how beautiful and soothing it was. I smiled and placed my book on the chair, making my way towards him to plant a kiss on his forehead.

"Hmm... I've missed you." He says as he places his hands on my hips, drawing me closer to him to position his head on my stomach. I play along and run my fingers through his hair gently, resisting the urge to pull those curls right off his head like a barbie doll. He hugged me tight and I could hear his rhythmic breathing against my upper stomach.

"I made you breakfast. Wait here."
Pulling away from his grasp, I made my way into the kitchen and brought back his breakfast- neatly organized on Rhea's wooden serving tray. Tea with lots of sugar cause he likes it that way, bacon almost burned to the crisp cause he liked the taste of slightly burnt food, two slices of slightly burnt toast topped off with mushed avocado and a splash of honey. I placed it on his legs, and he had the largest grin on his face. He looked like a 5 year old who's just been given a puppy.

"Thanks, love. You really didn't have to." He says, taking a sip of his tea.

"I made it around 7, it's not hot anymore." I sit on the chair again, my voice monotone.

"Why so early?" Crunch crunch.

"I was going to wake you up and surprise you with it, but you slept so pleasantly I didn't have the heart to wake you up." He looked at me and smiled his smile again.

"What'd you been up to since then?" He asks me, continuing to munch on his cold breakfast.

"Just reading. I'm halfway done with the 'Wuthering Heights' book,"

"Oh, the one with the hard vocabulary and 'never-ending pages'?"
Although we haven't been talking for a few days, he still remembered our texts from a month ago. I've started this book around that time and complained about it to him. I would be lying if I said I wasn't taken aback and slightly touched by the fact he remembered such a tiny portion of our talks.

"Yeah. It's exhausting to read. Every frickin' character hates and loves too deep, too tragic for my taste. No sense of relatable humor in any of the dialogues whatsoever. At least the imagery is out of this world." My eyes scan over the small printed words on the pages. Harry listens intently to all of this, he always did whenever I talked about books.

"Then why did you keep reading it?" He was halfway done with his breakfast, he was a fast eater. I watched him eat for a while before replying, trying to think of a response.

"Even though all the characters belong to a cheesy soap opera, the book has a way with words. Plus, I wanted to see if any of them would be unfaithful towards their lover, you know, since they're all so irrevocably in love... So far, I think one of them will break."

His face showed a moderate sense of curiosity and fake amusement but a hint of worry. He let out a small chuckle and resumed eating. He had a quarter of it all left.

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