Stratagem for Tea

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As I look in the mirror I notice the extra lines around the eyes that were not there, it seems yesterday. I focus on my white shirt and gray pants.
"Jeez, with the extra lines I look like dad. At least the pants are more fitted."  I smile at my own joke.
Phone rings, I look at it, it is the inspector. About time he called I started worrying that he forgot that we are here on the other side of the earth.
"Inspector, nice to hear from you. Talk about last minute, Vladimir's limo will be here in less then half hour. Where are you?"
"I am downstairs. I will follow you from a distance. Remember, this is a simple get together, have some fun, say goodbye and go back to the hotel. Please don't try anything stupid and do not draw attention to yourself."
"Don't worry, I will fit right in, both Francesco and I are wearing just long pants and shirts, and I a sport jacket, anymore and we would have to be invisible." I smile at my own attempt at a joke.
"Good, as soon as you leave, you come right back to the hotel. I will meet you in your room. I will share your room until we go back."
"Inspector, you are starting to worrying me. What's going on?"
"Let's just say that I know why they chose this place. I have been in contact with the local police. They will not interfere with our investigation but they will not provide any support. They think this is a simple case of forced prostitution ring. Even if it is illegal, for them it is something common. They say they have bigger issues to deal with. So, I am the only one here to protect you. And I plan on getting you back safe and sound. Just get to the appointment as not to raise any suspicions and then get out as soon as you can. I will get the material I need by myself. We will meet back at the hotel and get out as soon as we can. Clear?"
"Cristal! Don't worry about us, I will advise Francesco to keep a low profile as well."

* * * * * *
Vladimir puts his tie as he looks at his reflection in the mirror. Albert behind him is waiting with the jacket open to slip it on his master's shoulders.
"Are you ok master?" He asks out of curiosity. He knows better then assume his master will share any of his feelings with him, yet even as a slave, he has known the man for far too long and he has grown attached to him to the point that he can actually read his moods. One thing is sure, his master is not happy.
"Albert, how many times do I have to tell you to mind your own business." He looks at his slave in the mirror reflection irritated.
As he looks he realizes that this thing has been with him for so long. It knows him more then anyone he has ever met in his life. Even more than Doctor Kochetkov. He created the device while working for the ex KGB in Russia, and still places the improved devices in the slaves. Originally the device was intended as a military application. Kochetkov was going to suggest, in a second stage, to install the device also in political dissenters. A nice way to keep track discretely of what they shared with the public and punish them if the party did not agree. If his plan would have succeeded in time, maybe the old regime would have never fallen and things would have been better.
He stares at his slave again. The first device that actually worked after many failures. Albert is the the most trustworthy possession he could have, the only reliable being he has ever met. With his square jaw and huge shoulders, measuring over six feet, Albert is a walking fridge, a mass of muscles at his command. Maybe he can trust it in a world where he trusts no one. So he simply replies.
"I hate these gathering so much. A bunch of overzealous, spoiled rich that have nothing to do with their life. I really am not looking forward to entertain them." On second thought, he adds. "At least Mr. Romano and Francesco will be there. Mr Romano seems ok. I still don't understand why he bought Francesco. Anything he may want from Francesco he could get with simpler and cheaper means."
Surprised Albert, just listens to his master. He does not understand what he means, yet he does not want to ask for details. It is the first time that Master has actually shared his opinion with him and he will not do anything to spoil the moment. So he silently waits with the jacket ready to fit it on his master while relishing the moment in his heart. Maybe Master will tell more and he will understand, however, his hope shatters when the phone rings and his master regains his distant expression separating himself from his possession.
"Yes," Vladimir answers irritated.
"Mr. Stensky, how are you?"
"Fine, what is it Luigi?"
"We have found out who is searching for information about the slave ring."
"Yes." Vladimir replies interested.
"It is Italian state police, from Florence. They are behind the probing."
Vladimir is sure that he has heard or being involved with the city before, maybe a few months before. Yet he has no operatives there, what was it about that city? Maybe an article in the news?
"Florence? Are you sure?"
"Yes, they have being very discreet about it, but all communications come and end there. There are no doubts about it, they are behind it. Do you have further instructions?"
"No, not right now. I will let you know if I need anything else." He hangs up.
"Florence, what is about the city that rings a bell?" He tells himself, as he puts on the offered jacket.
Florence, is where Francesco was learning Italian. Thinks Albert. He wonders if he should mention it to his master.
He sees the altered expression and decides against it. Tomorrow, maybe master will be in a better mood and he will tell him. Let him concentrate on his party today.

Between Master and Slave (Manxman, Mature)Where stories live. Discover now