Bad news

532 41 9

"I'm sorry Mr Romano, the judge refused the case." The lawyer actually will not look me in the eyes.
"What do you mean? By refused the case." I cannot believe what I am hearing. Can a judge even refuse a case? "I thought you said we had a good chance of winning the case, and now you are telling me the judge will not even hear us?"
"Unfortunately, that is correct. I am as surprised as you are." He still sounds apologetic.
"But," still baffled I insist, "We are just asking for visitation rights during visitation hours, like any other friend. Even a remote acquaintance can go in. Doesn't even have to be a friend." By the last phrase my voice is altered and raised a couple of octaves.
"The mother's lawyer argued that you are not welcomed and asked for you expressly to be kept away."
"I know that, that is why we are going to court, her request is irrational."
"Yes, but a judge has to hear the case."
"How can this judge simply refuse to hear the case? On what grounds?" I try to stay calm to reason this through.
"They claim that your presence disturbs the peace environment, creating a tension around Francis which is not conductive to his recovery. In other words it is Francis's family right to keep anyone away that they judge will molest the sick person's well being."
"What about Frank's rights? Doesn't he have the right to be encircled by people that actually care for him?"
"Yes, in the judges's opinion, that is his family."
"They haven't seen him in the last six years, if not more!"
"But they are there now."

"On which side are you?"
"Yours, I am just relaying what the judge stated. Mr Romano, your relationship with Francis is not recognized by the state, and unfortunately for us, this judge is a republican, which doesn't help."
"So, you are saying that even if I lived with him and loved him for over 10 years I have less rights then an acquaintance." I am so upset right now I am not even screaming, just fuming.
"The problem is that he is unconscious. If he was awake, we could ask him, and we would have a leg to stand on. But, we cannot ask him and the next of kin has given clear instructions about you."
"I should be the next of kin!" I cannot contain my rage anymore. "We would have been married a long time ago if it was allowed."
"Same sex couples are not recognized by the state. So we could not use that in your defense even if you were married elsewhere."
"So almost 11 years count for nothing."
"Unfortunately..." He let the sentence hang.

"So what, we give up?"
"I'm not. I have already asked to be heard by a different judge and we actually have a good chance. We will have an answer within a week. If we are successful, I will ask for a court date within the next couple of weeks."
Somewhat defused, I let the words sink in. Then, I realize that a court date within a couple of weeks is very quick, extremely quick.
"Wait a minute," I add, "not that I would complain, on the contrary. But a court date within a couple of weeks seem impossibly fast, how could you obtain such short period?"
"We have no choice, nor does the judge. Francis's mother asked the hospital to pull the plug."
"What?!" Thanks God I am sitting, my legs would not support me right now.

Someone start twisting the key in the door lock bringing me back from my macabre thoughts. They locked me in one of the upper rooms of the building. The room is quite spacious with a large posted bed, desk, closet. A large window let's plenty of light in. The almost opulent paintings and draperies reminiscent of the early 20th century make the room grandiose. This room was more intended for guests then prisoners. I wonder if I still have some sort of status with the organization that warrants placing me in this gold cage.

I look at the clock, early for Albert to bring me my supper. Finally the door swings open letting Vladimir in.
"Mr Stensky," I greet him with a smile. Even if my smile is fake, we can play this game in two, "how nice of you. After two days of being your guest I almost thought you had forgotten about me."
"Not at all, I was simply busy elsewhere. How are you today?"
"Bored, the room is nice, but not much to do with my time." Then I decide to try my luck and ask, "How is Francesco doing? Can I see him?"
"Francesco is not your concern anymore. If I were you I would be more concerned about my own future."
"And why is that?" I ask out of curiosity, obviously they are not planning to kill me, they would have done so by now. The look of disappointment on his face tells me the conversation is not going as he planned.

Between Master and Slave (Manxman, Mature)Where stories live. Discover now