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Good Evil
Mature Inexperienced
Young Old
Straight Gay
Free Bound
Slave Master
Are they really opposite of each other? Or are they simply different sides of the same coin. And if they are different sides of the same coin, where does the line draw? After all, all you need is a simple toss and either side of the coin can come on top. I mean is where does Good becomes Evil or at what point Mature changes to Inexperienced. When do we say we have switched sides?
For about a year I have been involved in an investigation, something I started. I am not sure were I turned from Good to Evil and hopefully went back to Good. I don't know, maybe I will simply let you decide. Don't be hard on me, I was simply doing my job and my intentions were good, or so I believed.
Please note the story you are about to read is not from my point of view, after all, it would be too easy if I used my own point of you, you may think the story biased; and you would be right!

Between Master and Slave (Manxman, Mature)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα