Nekoma// their fav quotes when you arent body positive

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Your body can stand almost anything, it's your mind you have to convince


A scale can never measure your worth


To me beauty is about being comfortable in your own skin and it's knowing and accepting who you are Y/n

I love you for you Y/n! Don't change because someone said you aren't good enough
A real woman does have curves, is skinny or has muscles. A real woman gets to be who ever they want to be!

Loving yourself is more important than seeking for someone to love yourself


Self Confidence would make you happier more than anyone else's opinion on yourself

Life is too short to be be mean and unkind to yourself Y/n

A/n hey guys so this is about positivity in what ever shape and size you are! Either you being a rectangle to the shape of the Pokémon ditto. LOVE YOURSELF ❤️♥️❤️❤️❤️❤️💕💕

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