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Two heads close each other in a stone table near the library while examining paper box in front of them.

Manaow, "What it is Pham." Manaow lift a jelly like food from the box and bring it to her nose. "It's so fragrant and look yummy."

Pham, "It's leum kleun. Thai dessert."

Team, "Never heart of it." He said while gulping down of blue leum kluen to his stomach in one go, "Woaaah, Manaow it's delicious." His hand fast grabs another snack from the box.

Pham look at Manaow who still not produce any sounds. The girl has her eyes close. She is chewing, then gulping, then open his eyes and look right to Pham.

Pham little bit startle by Manaow which grab his hands. "What's wrong Manaow?"

"Sooooo gooood."

Pham sigh in relieve. This girl sure expressive and like fire cracker.

"From today onwards, this is my favourite snack." Manaow says while move another snack to her stomach.

"Me too." Team grab another snack, "By the way Pham, why you bring snack?"

"Actually, I planned to use it as bribe if I couldn't find any friends in my first day." Pham grins and got smack on his head by Team and Manaow.

Manaow, "Why so trouble yourself. Just by sit still here you already have some admirer."

Pham, "Huh?"

Team grins, "Just look at your surroundings."

Pham look at his right, left, front, and his back and found almost all of students there wave to him and offer him a smile. Pham smile back to them and get some loud cheers and wide grin as a replay.

Pham, "What's wrong with them?"

"Aww ... You are this adorable and cute and still ask what's wrong." Manaow almost yelled at Pham. Maybe if she was not too loving her hair, she would pull them up.

Pham, "My big brother and his friends were way more handsome than me. His another friend even cuter than me." Pham automatically remembered Phi Kit when someone say 'cute' and remembered his Phi Beam and Phi Pha when someone say 'handsome'.

Team, "By the way Pham, did you already make a decision which club that you want to joint?"

Pham nods, "Thai Desserts."

"Thee~n, could you also make some dish?" Manaow asks.

"I could make some complicated Thai main dish, some simple western, and some other Asia dish."

Team shove Pham's shoulder, "Eeyyy ... Are you want to show off?"

Pham chucked, "Is true. You were asking."

Manaow, "Okay ... Okay ... enough." Manaow looks at Pham, "Need us to give a tour?"

Pham's eyes sparkle brightly and nod.

Team and Manaow laugh, then drag their adorkable friend and give him tour to the faculty.

"The cafeteria is good and look delicious." Pham commented when they arrive at their last destination, the cafeteria.

Manaow, "You must look cafeteria in main building. It's open 24 hours and almost got all kind of dishes."

Pham nods.

Two boys were chatting while copying Manaow's note, meanwhile the girl was scrolling her phone and suddenly made a loud cheer.

Pham and Team look at Manaow who widen her eyes while looking at her phone.

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