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Waiting for the swimming club's test, the three first year were doing lazy in the stone table under the tree near main library building. The lazy one is Team actually. He said that he needs his energy to take the test, so he would play as dead fish and lay his head on the stone table. Meanwhile Manaow scrolling her tablet up and down, slide right and left. Pham was copying the notes from Manaow.

Pham use some colour pens to underline the point of the notes and sometimes he will flip open the text book. He feels something is missing from Manaow's notes.

Pham, "Manaow."


"What is layaway*?"

*layaway is one of economic theory

Manaow look up from his phone, "Which way?"

Pham, "Layaway."

Manaow, "I only knew some high way, where are Pham would to go? I'll try to look it on the map." Manaow immediately open her phone map.

Pham face-palming himself mentally, "Never mind." Pham stood up, "I'll go to the main library for a while."

Manaow, "Aww, Okay then."

Buzzzz buzzzz buzzzz

A young man glance at his phone that lying in the table near him on silent mode. The blonde hair young man profile picture pop up into his screen. He swipes aside so the vibrate stop without rejecting the phone.

The young man picks his phone and bring it out side.


[Mr. President khrab, where are you khrab?]

"In library and I remember correctly that you should be here to do your part in the project."

[Really?] There's faking shock sound from the caller.

"Ai prick Win, don't make me slap your head."

[Khrab Mr. President. I'll do my share after the test. By the way, I called you just now because the cooking club president want to discuss about the budget for meals and snacks that we order from them.]

"Right, I'll be there after I finished, and tell Aum that I'll call her instead."

[Roger Mr. President. Ah ... one more thing. Phi Pond said that he broke his phone yesterday, so before he forgot, he wrote down his email address in sticky note and stamp it in your book. Just search it in your notebook.]


The young man hangs the phone up and back to the library. Note noticing that a certain first year student enter the library building.

Pham stood in front of the database search engine. He tries to look up some references about the matters that confusing him. He writes down the book name, author, edition, and year of publication in blue sticky note. He brings the note to row of sleeves and start to search his reference book.

When Pham reach the almost top sleeve, he glances at his watch. Heck! Already 4 o'clock. It seems today his unlucky day. Pham bring the note to the information desk and ask about the book.

"Wait for moment na, I'll look in internal database."


Pham wait for the information while look around the library. It's his second times in a day visiting the library. First was this morning when Team and Manaow gave him tour.

"Nong kha, the book that you want to lend were already borrowed by someone and the due is today. Would you like to be contacted when the book was back?"

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