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"A coffin."

Lynn Triwinij tried to not jump out and run to the boarding room and found the man then ripped him off when she heard the last sentence of Chief of Intelligent.

But her hand was hold tightly by his father-in-law. The hand was tremble and cold.

"The paper is legit. No foul play. Has been verified by the authority. Already asked one of my man to check it with the hospital that issued the paper. They should be here in minutes."

Bai Yutang, "Where's the baggage?"

Davin looked at the airport security, "Where's the baggage?"

The airport security, "All the baggage already secure in the plane sir. And sir, we need to announce the flight in 10minutes."

Bai Yutang look at his young Doctor, "Cat?"

One of the airport securities, "5minutes to announce the boarding sir."

"We must handle this guy carefully. We know that he has unhealthy obsession toward Intouch and his surrogate. We also known what he capable of, but limited to Intouch and his surrogate. We didn't know what he could do toward us." Zhan Zhao looked at all the people in the room carefully.

Their target was patience one, but being escalate by bring the second son from Triwinij family back to the mainland. He also left the note. Indicating where his destination is.

This guy is smart and careful. Organize and neat. Back the time, police didn't aware about what this guy had done before he's being capture after berserk into Triwinij's resident. If he's not captured when he shoots Date Triwinij, then the cases that involving 20 men and more never been solve. So, how on earth this type of guy makes reckless move?

"Think Dr. and better hurry or I'll go there myself and shoot him."

No one dare to questioned Lynn Triwinij's words.

Zhan Zhao looked at Lynn Triwinij which still look at him with her dagger eyes.

Zhan Zhao, "Mrs. Lynn?"

Lynn, "What?"

Zhan Zhao, "Did you would go such extent to save your son?"

If glare could kill, then Zhan Zhao should be lying in the floor in pieces by now. Lucky that Bai Yutang steps in front of the young Doctor, as if sealing his little cat from the daggers.

Lynn, "Of course I do. Pham is my dear one. I have three sons, but they couldn't replace each other. Beam is Beam, Phoom is Phoom, so does Pham."

A flash of thought pass through in Zhan Zhao's train of mind and he suddenly felt chill run in his spine.

"Then announce it," Zhan Zhao said, "But, call the passengers that sit in the same row as him and one from his back seat and three passengers from his front seat. Capt. Suradech, please run check to the passengers' background that I mentioned before." He adds when he senses protest from people in the room.

"Considerately done."

Zhan Zhao, "Also the sniper."

Bai Yutang looked at his cat then add, "Place sniper so that he has clear shoot right after the guy out from the gate. Clear the boarding room also."

Davin, "Capt. Wongnate?"

Sandy Wongnate shook her head, "I'll lend you Noh, the second-best option. I'll go find the other guy."

From the airport footage, Su JinPing or Athiwat Khemglad has been arrived with a companion along with black coffin that handled by the airport authority after the clearance was checked. The companion is nowhere to be found when the target entered the boarding lounge.

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