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"I've got the prick!"

All of the people in the room squeezed in the president of cooking club's computer. Left the younger among them try to poke his head between the seniors.

"Who is he?" Phi Beam asks.

"Let's we see this person facebook." Phi Aum types something in his keyboard.

"Pham, did you has a facebook account?" Phi Beam looks at Pham, so the other seniors.

"No khrab." Pham shakes his head in confuse.

"This page has all Nong Pham's pictures." Phi Aum commented. "It's also has many friends, even more than mine!"

"Ai Aum!"

"Just kidding Lam, wait, let's see the info." Again, some keyboards type frantically, "Damn, it's even has Nong Pham's number and address, lucky it's not have room number in it."

"Could you crack the account?"

Phi Aum again looks at Phi Pha, "Ai Pha, did you realllly want to become mincemeat?"

"I only asks!"

Phi Aum, "Tsk, it's lucky that you has cute boyfriend like Nong Yo, else I really will cut you into pieces." Phi Aum types another commands and, "I am in and I already get the email, and it's our university official email."


Every students in the T University will be given one official email and a password. The email will consist from their name continuing with the university name as the providers. Only administration staff's that could issue it. It could be used to login to all journals that being subscribed by the university. Almost all the students never used the official email as their private email, because it will become inactive after half year after a student graduate.

"Ai Aum, who you want to call?" Phi Forth asks, when Phi Forth sees his friend retrieve her phone.

"Sent the address to Phi Jenny."

"Phi Jenny from Faculty of Economics?" Pham asks.

"Yup, she could access all the student's official email from university's database." Phi Lam explains.

"Pham, don't asks." Phi Park look the younger boy and shook his head.

Pham, "I don't wanna."

Pham feels that it's the best thing to say nothing or ask anything.

"The name is Joi, first year from sport science." Phi Aum reads her email loud.

"Sport science?" Phi Beam looks at the younger boy, who again, shake his head.

"Lam, go ask Tharn from Music Faculty, he have boyfriend in sport science right?" Phi Forth looks at Phi Lam.


Phi Lam took out his phone and start to call someone.

"But, why is he used the university official email? It will be easy to search, right?" Phi Kit asks.

Phi Pha, "Ah yes, also, it only shows that the person is in our university, right?"

"Ai Aum, could you get Joi's picture forTharn? He is with his boyfriend now." Phi Lam said, without hang the phone up.

"Already sent to you."

Phi Lam check his green apps. "Good."

"Why couldn't you get the information by yourself Aum?" Phi Pha asks.

Phi Aum, "Ai Pha, you really want to become a dead meat for sure, right?"

Phi Pha, "I only ask."

Follow Your Feeling [in editing]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora