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Apocalypse contains adult content such as** graphic violence, gore, and sexual situations. Do not read if you are sensitive to anything aforementioned on this list or are under the age of 16.

Reader's discretion is advised. Please enjoy.

**I reserve the right to add additional warnings in which I deem fit as the plot progresses.


This fanfic contains one or more sex scenes. If you are under 13, make your age known for any reason in the comments, and purposefully proceed to read this fic despite this warning and knowing full well that you are far under the age limit I request of readers, I will mute and report you.
Please either find another fanfic, or be respectful/mature.

Edit: this does NOT mean I am comfortable with 13-15 reading this fic. Making your age known and purposely ignoring my 16+ age rating is not okay, either. I will report users under 13, but ages 13-15 are not exempt from being muted if you're not being respectful of my rules.
This fic is intended for mature audiences.
This is your only warning.


All intellectual property belongs to me, and any infringement on copyrights to this story as well as Wattpad's TOS will result in swift action. Thank you.

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