-2- Start of something new.

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"I really like you Y/N. You make me happy, and I want to be with you because you make me feel safe."

No, that sounds stupid.

Hi I'm Newt, a guy pacing back and forth on what to tell this special girl what I feel about her, but I just can't tell her how I feel. I suck at this.

I groaned. I don't want to fail this attempt, because this is only one chance, and if you blow it, you'll never get it back.

I thought of a plan and suddenly, a light bulb appeared on top of my head.


"Hey Frypan! Come here" I yelled at him since he was quite far.

Yup, I asked from the love expert.

"What do you want? Quite busy here, you shank" He asked, and I rolled my eyes at how rude he was being.

"I need you to help me with something, involving me, a girl, and love" I said, smirking.

"You suck at doing this." Frypan laughed, and I laughed along with him.

I'm never doing that again.


"Ok, let's restart" Frypan said. Currently, we were rehearsing for this special moment.

"Ugh. How many times have we done this?" I asked, and he chuckled.

"This is probably the 20th time, and you're quite stuck in the level of friendzone or not to be friendzone." He said, making me confused

"What the shuck does that bloody mean?" I asked, arms crossed on my chest.

"I mean was, you have a possibility you won't get the girl, or you could. No in between" He said, and I groaned.

I suck at love.

"Let's restart everything. From the top" Making him clap his hands.

"Ok, let's do this differently" He began saying, and I gestured him to continue.

"Pretend I'm Y/N" He said, smiling. Making me puke at the thought

"Bloody hell. I can't impress you, how will I shucking impress Y/N?" I asked, clearly about to give up.

"Look Newt, giving up is not the answer. You are second-in-command, who handles everything in the Glade like a piece of cake. You won't get the girl, if you're not making an effort on doing these, you're losing her" Frypan said.

"You sound like someone's gonna die, but I'll make your little speech some motivation to do this crap." I said, making him smile and jump excitedly.


It's been 2 hours now, and it's night time. I'm clearly gonna screw this up, but I have to try.

I search for Y/N, and she was in the Deadheads clearly waiting for me, since that's where I told her to wait. Not the best place to ask a girl out, but I had no choice and Frypan suggested it anyways.

Frypan's probably telling this to the other gladers.

I finally reach the deadheads, and my hands start sweating, my knees start shaking as I see her.

This is it Newt, you'll ask your soon-to-be princess out.

"Uhh, Y/N?" I asked, and she whipped her head around.

Her hair cascading past her shoulders, how she looked at me with a smile.


"Hey Newt" She said, and I gulped.

"I have something to tell you" I said, as I gestured her to sit down on the plaid blanket for a small picnic.

"Go on" She smiled.

Damn, that smile was perfect. Here I go.

"Y/N, ever since you went up inside the Box, my world stopped. You were the most gorgeous girl I've ever seen. Your hair cascading past your shoulders, your beautiful eyes that twinkle like the stars, but mostly your smile, that smile that gives me a wave of reassurance, as if the world is gonna be okay again. I really like you Y/N" I said, as she smiled.

She smiled. I made her smile.

"Well, I am just waiting for you to pop the question" She smirked, and my eyes widened. What question?

"It consists of 4 words" She said, and I face palmed myself, ruining everything.

"I'm sorry, I just ruined the moment. I feel so dumb, now you'll reject me for sure now, ugh I feel so stu-"

"You talk to much" She said, as she wrapped her arms around my neck making us closer and just like that.

That magical kiss I've been waiting for.

I kissed back, and I heard some whistles from the other Gladers, even Alby was in it. We pulled away, blushing like crazy.

"I think they deserve to be in the Slammers" I said, and she smirked.

"Shall we?" She asked, as she reached her hand out for me to hold.

"We shall, princess" I said, and held her hand, as we chased the other gladers around.



Yay! I updated again.

I'll post the POV (point of view incase any of you don't know) of You tomorrow.

So yeah, bye


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