-19- Tricked? or set up? (important question below)

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"You can never tell him, you got me?" I said to Chuck, making him promise to never tell anyone that I, Y/N, loves Newt. Well, love is a big word, so let's stick with like.

"I promise, cross my heart." He said, making a cross gesture on his chest.

"Good, because if you do tell anyone, I will forever be mad at you" I said, crossing my arms being serious.

"Ok, but could I tell Tho-" He was cut off by me shaking my head 'no'

"That's settled. No sharing of my secrets to others. Bye Chuck, gotta do my stalking" I said, and he chuckled.


I left Chuck, and went straight to a bush to hide behind, looking for Newt, and I squinted my eyes making me look like a ninja

Ninja Y/N, it had a nice ring to it.

I was looking for Newt, right and left, everywhere, but I could not find him anywhere. Where could he be? Maybe he ran inside the maze again, oh no. It can't be.

"Where is he?" I muttered, quite worried, talking to no one in particular.

"Who are you looking for?" Someone said behind me.

"AHHH" I screamed, making that person laugh at me, and he crashed to the ground for laughing to hard, clutching his stomach making me feel humiliated. I look and see it's Newt.

Of course, it had to be Newt. Sneaking behind my back while I try looking for him around the Glade.

"You couldn't just randomly scare me like that" I said, smiling at the thought of me spying.

"I could, this is a free place to do free things, love" He said, and I could feel my cheeks blush. I always blush when he calls me love.

"Well, don't do it again. It's got everyone staring at me because of my hideous squeal, for crying out loud" I point out to the Gladers, staring at me like I was crazy.

"Okay, fine, I won't do it again. But you have to tell me who you were looking for" He said, and I gulped.

"I w-was looking for Thomas." I said, smiling in the inside since he won't be able to respond.

"What? Thomas is right behind you" He said, pointing to his back, and I see Thomas sleeping and sprawled across a log, making me bite my lip.

"Oh" I said, as he smirked.

"Who were you really looking for?" He asked, grinning widely, and I think of a response.

"I'm looking for Minho, since he hasn't came back yet from the Maze" I said, as I turn around to look at the Maze, and just in time, I see Minho running out of the maze.

"I better get back to him, catch up with you later Newt" I waved, and I didn't want to see his reaction so I ran to the Homestead.


I talk to Minho for awhile, and he was like my long lost brother. He was nice, and I wish he was my brother.

I see Chuck coming towards us, and I smile at him.

"Hey Chuckie, what's up" I asked, and he smiled.

"There's some flowers that Gally needs for his sculpture, it's by the Deadheads, Gally wants you to get it." Chuck said, smirking at Minho, and Minho smirked at me making me confused.

I gave Chuck my -what the hell did you say to him- look, and he just shrugged. I stood up and glared at Chuck, as Chuck sat down next to Minho and started talking.

I walk further to the forest, to see Newt there, and I smile instantly.

"Newt!" I hollered, and he turned around, and he smiled as well.

"Hey Y/N, what are you doing here?" He asked.

"I was gonna ask you the same question" I said, and he smiled.

"Well, Chuck said that Gally needs some shuck flowers for his sculpture." He said, and I was confused.

"Chuck told me the same thing too" I said, and I realized what was happening, making my mouth form an 'o' shape.

"Is this some kind of joke? Are we being tricked?" He asked, and I was frustrated.

"That little bastard was trying to set us up." (Chuck isn't a little bastard, I love him) I muttered, making sure he won't hear it.

"Set us up?" He asked, and smirked, making me gulp.

"N-no, I think it was something else" I said.

He has been asking me what the real reason was and I've been denying everything he is saying for the past 15 minutes, and I just blurted out the words I wasn't supposed to say.

"I like you Newt. Maybe that's why Chuck set us up because he thinks you like me back, but I doubt it, because who likes an ordinary girl like me" I said, and he just smiled.

He held my waist, making the space between us, no longer found. I look up to him, and he looks down on me, making me smile. Both of his arms still wrapped around my waist.

"I like you too Y/N. What Chuck said was absolutely right." He said, and leaned in. He wrapped one hand around my neck, and his other still wrapped around my waist. I wrap my arms around his neck.

I close my eyes, savouring this beautiful moment. We pulled away after 5 minutes of kissing.

"That took you long enough" Chuck said, and I blushed looking down at the ground. Newt looked over to Chuck, his hand still wrapped around my waist.

"You Chuck, are a good friend. If this bloody set up didn't happen" He paused, looking at my eyes, to my lips, then back to my eyes. "I wouldn't have met this beautiful girl right infront of me." He said, and my heart skipped a beat.

What a guy, this guy.



I hope you guys like it, and yeah.

Should I make a Q&A next? idk, i want some questions that you, darlings, could ask me

I love you guys mwa.


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