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Jin's POV:

"I like tomatoes!" Jimin's voice echoed happily throughout the kitchen as he munched on the said vegetable.

All of them were sitting – or standing – in their chairs, enjoying their afternoon snack.

Well, Jimin, Taehyung, Hoseok, and Jungkook were, they shoveled the food into their faces as if it was a very important competition who could eat more.

I just really feared that Jungkook overdid it and would choke anytime soon. His left cheek was threatening to explode as he stored all the unchewed food in there.

He looked like a hamster, who took his job too seriously.

And still, his tiny, chubby hands were terribly busy, shoveling the small cut pieces of tomatoes, cucumbers, and Goldfish into his mouth.

He was standing on his chair, in order to reach his plate and look at his brothers, who were all slightly beneath him, because they weren't allowed to stand on their seats.

Kookie's eyes were slightly swollen and red, due to the fact, that he had a major fit just minutes ago, refusing to be placed in his high-chair. I guess he was becoming a big boy now.

My worried eyes didn't leave Jungkook's tiny body. My mind painting already the worst-case scenario in the most vivid colors.

Jungkook choking, losing balance, falling off his chair, choking some more, having a terribly bleeding wound on his head and four big brothers dancing and screaming around him in circles, mirroring a ritual of horror as they totally freak out because their littlest brother was badly hurt and turning blue.

And in the middle would be me, trying to keep calm as the only adult, while inwardly freaking out and fearing for my baby.

"I hate them!" Yoongi then voiced out and my eyes darted over to the seven-year-old, who recently lost one of his front teeth and had an adorable tooth gap now.

He was pushing his carrots and tomatoes from one corner of the plate to the other and wore a huge frown, that greatly contrasted with his happy yellow shirt, that had a sun wearing sunglasses printed on it, smiling "Have a sunny day!"

"Don't make a fuss, Yoongs," I sighed, ignoring the fact that I just saw Jungkook smushing a tomato and not-so-discreetly sweeping it off the table, in the corner of my eyes.

"Yeah, yeah" He grumbled and suspiciously eyed over to Jungkook, who still had some Pizza flavored Goldfish on his plate, but that, I ignored swiftly as well.

I decided to trust a bit in them and turned around, ready to clean the utensils I used for preparing their snacks.

An everything went smoothly and was peaceful, for about 12 seconds.

Then I could hear Yoongi's offended gasp and an overall giggle emerging from the middle trio.

"I beg you pardon, Mr. Jungkook, but where are your manners?" Yoongi then exclaimed, his lisp intensified due to the tooth gap he had now.

I blinked. What did I just hear?

I turned around and spotted Yoongi, who was now standing right next to Jungkook, his hands on his hips and his eyebrows raised to unknown heights, while he skeptically stared at his youngest brother, who seemed highly unimpressed by the actions of his oldest sibling.

Jungkook just stood on his chair, his cheeks fuller than ever, shoveling yet another goldfish in his mouth, almost biting on his tiny fingers and having trouble of having the rest of the food he stored in his mouth inside it.

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