chapter five

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Belmont delivered on his end of the deal, and Sypha was back. You smiled as she ran and hugged her grandfather, then lamented as she failed at finding the sleeping solider.

Then a fight broke out between Sypha and Belmont on whether the sleeping solider was down there at all. Frankly, you didn't care but they obviously did.

"I don't know what's down there, but it's not a messiah. I'll leave you all to it."

"No, no nonsense. Please, stay with us for as long as you like. I cannot begin to repay what I owe you," the Elder said.

"You're leaving tonight, remember?" Belmont reminded him.

"Well, uh, yes. Until then,"

"Right. I'll come back later. See if you can find some beer," Belmont said as he left the lodging once again.

"I could pee in a bucket and tell him it's beer," Sypha said rudely. You chuckled at her childishness and she looked at you with a smirk.

"Sypha, he saved your life!"

"He's rude." She claimed. You got up from your seat, gathered your supplies, and faced Sypha.

"Duty calls," You said as you hugged her. You were glad she wasn't dead, you probably would never be able to forgive yourself if she was.

You walked out the door only to see Belmont surrounded by a bunch of knife holding priest.

"Woah, here's something I never thought I see, a bunch of knife holding priest! Isn't that like unholy or some shit?" You said with laughter. Everyone looked at you while you doubled over. "Do you need help, Belmont? I could lend a hand if you like?"

"No, I'm good. Seems like I've been summoned to the church even though I'm excommunicated," Trevor said while chuckling because of your reaction to the commotion.

"Ah alright, I'll see you later then," You said while putting your hand up in the air. While trying to leave, the priest from before with the missing finger stepped in front of you, preventing you from leaving.

"You're the lady from beforehand," He said while looking you up and down. You looked at him with disgust.

"Has the church summoned me?" You said. The priest remained quiet as he glared at you, "No? Well then you better move out my way before I take more than a finger,"

His facial expression remained stoic, but he did step aside so you could pass. You continued on your way to your patients, once again saying goodbye to Belmont for the second time.

"Feisty, ain't she?" Belmont said as he looked at the priest with a smirk.

Today at your makeshift clinic had been awful. You're damn near the end of your supplies and the amount of people needing help only increased. You could make some more, but there are no materials near by equal to the medicine's worth.

"Please help us," A woman shouted out in the line for your clinc. You were working tirelessly to save people but you were losing more than you expected. You couldn't cure anyone so you only gave out things to help ease comfort. Even your magic couldn't help, you were missing something that made you unable too. Finally when your were out of that and you had nothing left to give, you made a quick getaway because the crowd would surely be mad if you said you couldn't help them.

You were pretty sure you looked like death. You been in this high stress situation for awhile now and you've barely had any time to sleep since you were busy protecting the speakers and other people during the nighttime.

"I am calling you defeated, Trevor Belmont. You fought your battle and you decided you lost," You heard as you walked into the Speaker lodging.

"Oh, so your actually name is Trevor, not just Belmont. Got it," You said throwing your bag to the wall and taking a seat next to one of the speakers.

"Y/n! You look horrible," Sypha said noticing the circles under your eyes. "Have you slept?"

"No, but that doesn't matter. I'm basically out of supplies so I can't help anyone anymore. Plus I'm pretty sure the townspeople are about to start a riot. They were super angry today," You said while looking around. You were uncomfortable for the amount of pity stares you got from all around. Everyone knew you were working hard to help and protect them.

"See? Even Y/n notices how people are getting angry and more violent. All the more reason for you people to leave," Trevor argued using your observations as evidence.

"We carry with us the accumulated wisdom of this great country. We will use that to fight our battle," Sypha said, going back to the argument beforehand.

"You'll lose."

"We might well lose. But, if nothing else, we might show someone that, although battles are won and lost, there is a larger war at stake," the Elder said looking to Sypha.

"What the hell is going on?" You said. The other speakers looked at you, but couldn't seem to answer your question.

"With Dracula's armies?" Trevor refuted.

"No. A war for the soul of our people. Because if we truly are the sort of people who will kill one another at the behest of a madman's fantasies, then perhaps it is right and proper that things from Hell should rise up to wipe us out. "

"It's time for those of us who fight that war to stand up and be responsible, Trevor Belmont. You should leave now." Sypha said. Wow, this was intense, but you missed most of the conversation so you were completely clueless.

"No. You're leaving right now." Trevor said as he turned around and walk towards everyone.

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