╳ Request → Belch

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Belch x Reader
My Love is yours.
Warnings: Smut 😗✌️, slight oral ( receiving ), FLUFF
Request by: @retired_emobxtch

The weird thing about love, was that it had ways to make you think you didn't feel it, but then suddenly it crept up behind you, scaring you and making you feel things for someone you never thought you could feel for.

For example; you had absolutely hated the Bowers gang.

Henry tormented you for the way you dressed, no matter what you wore, from dresses to shorts to jeans and sweatshirts. Victor would slam your locker door, no matter if your arm was reaching in or your small fingers were just resting on the side. Patrick was so far the worst, spreading extremely sexual rumours about the two of you, and sexually harassing you in one way or another throughout each encounter.

Reggie, on the other hand, wasn't so bad, he would push you down, trip you, but nothing he did ended you with you hurt physically or emotionally.

That could've been what started the feelings, the fact that you were told that Reggie would try and get the others to slow down on you, most of them listening, except Patrick.

The memories of such a small part of your life made you chuckle. Since now here you were, in Reggie's car, after having dropped off Henry and Victor.

Patrick went missing over a couple months ago and even though the small group were still on their toes with looking for him, the town soon forgot the small psychopath. Reggie was the first one to shrug it off. Now, with Patrick gone he could have you around more often. Of course with this attitude, Henry often thought Reggie was the one to get rid of Patrick, but quickly brushed his feelings off when they came up.

Your hands now met in the middle counsel. Entangled with each other as Reggie shot you small smiles.

"What are you thinking about, your eyebrow only ever twitches when your deep in thought." Reggie chuckled, looking back to the road, but sending you small and sideways smiles.

"I can't hide much from you can I?" You giggled, shaking your head before smiling widely, "I was just thinking about how different our relationship was at the beginning of last year. Compared to now. I used to be such a small part in your day, and you were nothing but a bother, no offence, and now, we are utterly and completely stuck with each other no matter what."

Your smile slowly softened as you explained your thoughts out loud. Not realizing how much you rambled on until Reggie's grip on your hand tightened.

"You also called me twat a lot, I started to think I should've went by that just for you, but it was a big step when we were forced to work on our project together. I realized after that my feelings for you were always there. I mean, to a certain extent you always made me feel...weird. I always forced Henry and Victor to back down when it came to hurting you and even got Patrick to slow his role down when we went on our first date, remember? We went to a movie." His smile was small as he counted down memories, your face reddening slightly.

"I remember, because Henry and Victor were sitting right behind us. I also remember our first kiss, and many other first after that." You shot a small smirk at him, watching his pale face redden around his cheeks, he shook his head, finally pulling into his drive way.

"Are you staying the night?" He asked, opening his door, unlocking yours.

"Well duh. I'd rather sleep in your room." You shrugged, getting out of your side and shutting the car door behind you. Reggie shook his head smiling, wrapping his arm around your shoulder as you both walked inside.

「 𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝐵𝑒𝒶𝓊𝓉𝒾𝒻𝓊𝓁 𝐿𝒾𝑒 」Bowers Gang #3Where stories live. Discover now