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"Nothing better than working the midnight shift, yeah?"

An Agent asked.

"If only your sarcasm was as good as your shooting." The directed agent replied. "It's stupid Morison, but at least it's exciting!" The agent followed up with, emphasizing the word "exciting". "Times are tough but we're doing fine, this man is getting put away for good, I'll bet on that." The agent followed up with again.

It was 1:46 AM as a light, sharp rain attacked New York City. 3 black vans labeled "FBI" drove in a specific order, police lights flashing but without the alarming siren. The middle van's back was reinforced by barred windows to prevent a man in the back from escaping.

"So this guy gets to spend the rest of his life in the prison finally?" Morison asked.

"Hard to say, the punishment for him is a difficult decision. Hard to get him on the murders he obviously did, but they've got him on a lot of drug-related stuff, this should get him at least 15 years." The agent replied. Morison smirked before making his own remark.

"That's 15 years to find more on 'em, yeah?" He asked cheekily.

"So it seems, but Menendez is smart, I doubt he is going to jail without some sort of plan." The agent replied.

"Yeah, I guess you're right." Morison said in a more mopey voice.

It was fairly quiet for the next few minutes apart from the odd cough, or speed bump. Out of sudden coincidence, the silence was interrupted by a static voice coming from the van's communications radio.

"All units we've got an issue up ahead!" A man's voice projected, nervously. The agent quickly replied to the voice.

"Van 3 here, what's happening sir?" The agent asked, seemingly worried. Before a response could relay, an explosion erupted up ahead as van 1 was sent into the sky, causing it to spiral into the barred prisoner's van. The agent was astonished. "Stop the car! NOW!" The agent said as they collided with van 2 and flipped sideways into the curb of the about to be a wartorn road.

Morison had braced himself and held his friend down to the best of his ability, preventing him from getting seriously hurt.

"We got tangos coming up the road. We can't let them get Menendez." The agent yelled with an aggressively stressed and strained voice. "They're killing everything that moves, we gotta wait for backup." Morison replied, with a similar sounding voice.

Logan didn't care and was at the ready, taking out his gun, a standard-issue Colt M1911, with 9 bullets per magazine. "I'm not waiting" he stated while flipping the safety off and busting out the only open side of the sideways car.

The area was engulfed in flames, a warzone, blood was fresh on the ground, the 3 vans were all stopped in one way or another, van 1 being absolutely destroyed. Debris covered the area, 1 agent hiding behind a piece of van 1 was bleeding out, there was no saving him. Logan busted out of the tipped 3rd van and moved as quickly as possible. The shooters were in what was considered normal street clothes for the New York area, they didn't have tactics but it didn't take a genius to know they had numbers.

Time went fast, within seconds, 3 street clothed shooters were down, taken out fatally. Logan knew there was no choice as he saw 2 other agents get finished by a small group of the shooters. K.I.He thought as he moved through debris. Logan peeked around the corner towards the original position of the first car and was taken away.

"There's at least 30 of them" He yelled with a whispery voice as Morison finally caught up. He was correct, almost 30 men, loaded with level 2-3 firearms. This was no normal assault.

"We need to be resourceful Logan." Morison exclaimed.

Logan didn't care what he thought, within moments he was advancing on the small army's position. He could not let them get the prisoner, Menendez. The street-clothed shooters finally caught him as Logan shot and 4 of their men were dropped swiftly. Logan had deadeye accuracy, even under this pressure, he just kept going. As he took out 2 more, he advanced to the mangled prisoner van for cover. Menendez was gone. The men had now dispersed to find cover of their own, some got brave enough to surround Logan, but after 2 were killed, the rest went for cover as well.

It was a standstill for what seemed like hours but only a minute passed. Logan reloaded his gun with anxiousness, he was scared, but he was strong. He took a deep breath as 3 men went to ambush him, he was about to get rushed. Shots were fired, but it was the 3 men dropping to the ground.

It was Morison. "Goddammit Logan, we need to retreat we can't hold out here, let's mo-" Morison was cut off as a bullet found his cranium, entering and exiting from front to back. Creating a splash of blood as Logan watched him hit the floor. He screamed internally as he stood up, with a death wish. He was taking out anything that moved. A majority of the men were wiped out swiftly, not expecting Logan to snap. Logan cleared the area in mere minutes and stood at the head of his once best friend. The backup was still on the way.

"I don't care what it takes, we will find who ordered this Mori." He said mournfully and intently. He was a lot more relaxed right now... The moment required too much calm, after tonight he would be screaming on the inside.

As he looked at his friend's lifeless, drained body, he was hit in the back of the head, falling to the ground. He saw at least 5 more men moving in, not shooting just slowly approaching, like a pack of wolves to a deer. Logan went for his gun but the darkness consumed him faster than he could move.

The last thing he heard was a man's voice.

"We got 'em, Phantom's gonna love this."

Then everything went dark.

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