Chapter 18~Adoption

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Xiao zhan's POV

It's been 7 months since the big commotion, life's been peaceful. We went on a vacation for a month then we both took over the companies from our fathers, making us even more respected since the companies were joined because of our marriage.

Yibo and I have been thinking of adopting a pet or even a child. We had to think hard about this since we didn't think we were ready, but that talk was 2 months ago so now we are on our way to the orphanage.

Once we entered the first thing we see is cute kids from all ages running around, chasing each other or sitting down with a coloring book on the table with an overly excited hand holding a crayon.

I was so cute that we couldn't help playing with them, our doubts about having a child were long gone out the window.

There was one kid who caught my eye though.

He was sitting there all alone with a book reading. He looked about 2 and a half so he was probably only looking at the pictures. The book was also upside down.

"Yibo don't you think that kid looks lonely?"

"Yeah, he also looks very cute with his adorable cheeks that look like they can be squashed."

We walked up to him but he didn't see us until yibo had started talking.

"Hello, little one" yibo had said with a bright smile on his face.

The baby looked up at us with rounded eyes making him look even cuter.

"Why are you all alone?' I had asked.

The little boy looked hesitantly before answering.

"T-they swaid I-I c-cwould't plway with t-them becwause I w-was to small t-to undwerstand how t-to plway"he said while pouting and tears gathering in his eyes.

"My poor baby how about we take you to a better place. Yibo had said acting all possessive making him act like a mother.

"R-rweally?" he looked up with hope in his eyes.

"Mmhm! We will take you to a very fun place with no bullies."I had said in a childish voice making his eyes look at me.

"C-can we g-go now?"

"Of course we can." yibo had said with a motherly tone.


We took him to the receptionist each holding one of his hands.

She looked up from the computer then looked at the little kid then at us with shocked eyes.

"Are you ok?" said yibo waving his hands in front of her.

"Um yes, would you be adopting zheng fanxing?"

"Yes we would like to adopt him" I replied

"Can I please know your names and personal information"

We gave her our passports and our phone numbers.

We waited for a while before she started talking again.

"So the papers will be sent to you doors then you will have to sign them then send them back to the orphanage and we will take care of everything else. For now, you can take him home with you. Thank you for adopting zheng fanxing."

We walked out like a family.

Once we reached home fanxing stared with open eyes.

"W-wow will I b-be living h-here?"

"Yes you will and from now on no one will bully my baby"

We walked inside, a couple of maids greeting us.

We lead him to the elevator taking him up to the fifth floor showing him his room which was right next to ours.

"I-is this rweally m-mine?"

"Of course it is, do you really think I will let my baby live in a shack?" his possessive side showing like how a mother would treat their child.

"There's a bathroom and walk-in closet on the left with a playroom on the right," I said as he inspected the room.


He then let out a big smile.

"I-I have a gweat mommy and d-daddy and lots o-of toys and n-no owne w-will bully me r-right?"

He turned to us when he said the last word and we couldn't help but both smile and nod.

Then we turned to each other while fanxing was looking at his closet full of clothing, thinking about the same thought.

'Who's the mommy and who's the daddy.'


                                                                                                                                                           Bye Bye~

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