Al Capone x Reader: Questions

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This is not how you saw your night going. Granted, things were already off the rails when you and your uncle snuck into the Smithsonian after hours with the purpose of stealing a priceless artifact and wax figures from the archives.

But still, the last thing you expected was an abduction facilitated by members of the Grand Armée.

Who were working with Ivan the Terrible and his men.

And were also working with Al Capone and his bootleggers.

Who were all in league with an Egyptian pharaoh.

So. Not your best night.

You were sat in an uncomfortable chair, with your arms wrenched behind your back, while the Pharaoh and his... associates were talking in hushed tones. While you strained your ears trying to listen, a man's pinstripe suit stepped into your line of vision. Your gaze lifted to meet the gaze of one of Al Capone's men. "You know," He started. "You're too cute to be running around causing trouble like this. Can't believe you ain't home with a husband." He cocked an eyebrow. "Something wrong with you?"

"Yeah." You snapped. "I got a mind of my own. Must've taken yours." His face contorted into a snarl and he raised his hand.

"Why you—!"

"RONNIE!" A booming voice made the both of you jump. The man – Ronnie—turned pale as he lowered his hand and turned.

Al Capone was striding towards the two of you, enraged. "Were you gonna hit her?"

"Boss, I—"

"Answer me." He said coldly.

"Well she should know better than to talk back." He said. Al Capone's eyebrows rose, clearly unused to being spoken to in such a manner. He stared at Ronnie for a long moment.

Then he drew his fist back and clocked him in the jaw, knocking him down. "Get him out of here." He said, and two of his men grabbed him by the arms and dragged him out of the room. Then Al Capone turned to you, and you tensed, unsure of what to expect.

"Sorry about that, doll." That was the last thing you expected.

And it pissed you off.

"That's what you're sorry about?" You scoffed. "I've been abducted, tied to a chair, and you're apologizing for that." He got angry again, but managed to rein it in.

"Just watch your mouth, and maybe I won't have to swoop in to save your ass again." He jabbed a finger at you. He turned and returned to his conversation, and you stuck your tongue out at his back. The commotion settled, everyone returned to what they were doing.

You could only hope that your uncle would get this under control soon. You kept yourself preoccupied by studying the section of the archives you were in. Maybe it would come in handy later. You were staring at the windows above you when a chair scraping distracted you.

Al Capone was sitting across from you.

And he was just staring at you.

So you stared back.

"So. What's your deal?" You blinked.

"I'm sorry?"

"How does a gal like you get involved in this?"

"How did you?" You asked.

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