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(A story in which Toga plans a game night with the league)
Shigaraki's P.O.V

This was absolute bullshit. I hated Fridays with a burning passion. For about a month now, Toga and Kurogiri were working together to make a 'Family Game Night' and I hated them. I'm pretty sure he read it in some magazine and Toga jumped along with the idea because of her crazy obsession with beating us. Some of the league hated it as much as I did and found some way to sneak out of it. I was never able to. He always guilted me into it. And by 'he' I mean Dabi. He didn't like them but he didn't despise the nights like I did. But any time I would try to back out of a simple game night, he would always use the same excuse; "who will be the leader of the game?" or "they will be let down. Come on." Somehow, he got to me. And that made me despise Friday's even more.

That night, it was me, Dabi, Toga and Kurogiri. They all dragged me out of my room and made me sit on the cold hardwood floor, little heaters placed around the ground to fight against the damn wind. "Do we seriously not have anything better to do? Like, I dunno, defeat All Might?" I whined, thrashing my arms in the air. "Come on. Don't be a crusty dick." Dabi complained, crossing his legs and sitting beside Toga in the small circle. She snickered. "Shut the fuck up." I said, crashing to the ground with a loud THUMP. "Can we just get on with the game?" We all quieted down after Kurogiri spoke. He was like the parent of our group. Everyone listened to him; including me.

"Toga made up a new game instead of a board game. Care to explain?" He said, looking at Toga. "Right, Misty Man. This game is called 'Bullshit'. Basically, someone goes around and asks a question to anyone in the circle," she said, gesturing towards us. "You have the option to tell the truth or lie about the question. If someone doesn't think you are telling the truth, they call bullshit on you. Here's the twist!" She became more excited as she spoke. "If someone is caught in a lie, they have to remove one article of clothing. Of their choice of course." Everyone looked at each other, comfortable with the game. Except me.

"I say no! I don't wanna." I crossed my arms, standing up. "Oh come on you whiny child. You don't wanna play any game with us ever. We just want to spend one day of the week together. Now sit down and play before I throw a fireball at your face and screw it up even more." Dabi spoke up. The other two stayed silent so I sat back on the floor with a pout and crossed arms. "Fine. I'll play your dumb game." "Thank you Shiggy." Toga said excitedly, pointing at me. "You can go first. Yes or no; you have other color clothes. No offense but all you wear is black." I thought for a second. The only color I really have is red shoes. "No, it's only black." Nobody spoke up. "So what now?" I asked. "It's your turn. Ask someone something." I sighed. "Okay, Dabi, true or false; your dick has staples." He was taken aback by my question but didn't hesitate to reply. "False. The staples don't pass my hips." He seemed confident in his answer so I didn't call bullshit on him and neither did anyone else. "Okay, Toga. Yes or no; even though you're only seventeen, you still drink wine from the bar." He pointed behind him to the bar with half empty booze bottles and glass cups. "No, I don't do that." She hid her face into her knees. "Bullshit. I served you once." Kurogiri said. She sighed and threw her red bow into the middle of the circle. "Okay, Kurogiri. True or false; you are the worst cook in the room." He smiled. "I may have burned the food once but I never set it on fire like Dabi has. So no, I'm not the worst cook." Dabi smirked. "I didn't do that." "Bullshit." I called. "It's not my turn you can't do that." He looked over at Toga. "He called bullshit. It was a lie. Loose the jacket." He huffed, tossing the black leather jacket into the circle.

Kurogiri started up. "Dabi, true or false; you still sleep with a stuffed bear." He smiled. "I don't." But something sounded different in his tone. "Bullshit." I called. He looked at me for a second before he took off his white shirt and tossed it to the middle. The group started laughing. "Okay, to be fair, it is the only thing I still have from home. And, it's not even mine. It's my little brothers. Let me live." He said, crossing his arms over his chest. "Anyways, lets get better truths. Shiggy. True or false; your still a virgin." He looked at the group for a second. "Fine. Yes I'm a virgin." Nobody looked shocked. "Kurogiri, have you ever made out with someone." He stared at me for a second. "Does it look like I could even if I wanted to? No." "Bullshit!" Toga called. He blushed a little taking off his tie. "I thought I would get away with that one. Toga, have you had a dream about that green haired kid you like so much?" She blushed, her face turning a dark pink. "Maybe~" Nobody looked surprised so none of us called bull on her. "Shigaraki. Do you have a crush on someone in this room?" They all fell silent waiting for my answer. I don't know what it's called but I guess I did have slight feelings towards one of them. "No." Please don't call bullsh- "Bull-fucking-Shit!" Toga called. "I can tell. You sir, have a crush. Remove the shirt." I sighed before peeling the black fabric off my arms and throwing it to the middle. Dabi and Kurogiri both looked at each other then at me. "Don't look at me." I crossed my arms over my body, suddenly feeling uncomfortable. "Okay, lets get on with it. Dabi, have you ever practiced kissing in the mirror." He smiled. "I think when I was twelve if that counts." Toga laughed a little. Dabi stared at me. "Okay, Shiggy. True or false; you're gay." I smiled. "False." "Bullshit." He called back to me. "Nope. I'm not gay. I'm bi." He looked defeated for a second. "Dabi, same question back at you." He paused. "Nope." "Bullshit." I called. And with that, his shoes came off and he was left with only his pants and boxers. "Shiggy, true or false. You think someone in this room is hot." There was no need to hide it now. "I do." He didn't call bullshit. "Dabi, you think someone in this room is hot." Another pause. "No." "Bullshit." And his pants game off. Jesus this was getting easier.

"Um, guys, were still he-" Toga tried to interrupt but Dabi ignored her, staring at me and continuing the game in our own little world. "You like me or Kurogiri don't you." I smiled. "No." "Bullshit." And my pants went to the pile. He came closer to me as the game continued. "You like me don't you?" I asked. "No." "Bullshit." I called. Off with his pants, onto the floor with the rest of our clothes. "You like me. Right?" He smirked. "No." "Bullshit." But before I could do anything about my clothes, he pulled me close to him, our lips touching ever so gently. The world around us melting to nothing. I pulled away, I thin string of saliva connecting our mouths. "Dabi, true or false; you love me." "False." He smiled, going back to his place on the cold floor.


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