Puppy Box

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Dabi's p.o.v

   "I'll be back inside in five minutes." I called over to Kurogiri who was behind the bar. He nodded letting me go outside. I pulled out the pack of half empty cigarettes from my coat pocket. It was a chilly Febuary morning and I could see my breath in the air. I walked about a block away and walked into an alley way to sneak away. Taking one of my cigarettes out of the box, I slip it between my lips and light the end of it. Sucking in the nicotine smoke, I held it for a second then exhaled through my nose. Flicking the ashes off the end, I did it a few more times till there was nothing left but the cigarette butt. Throwing it off to the side, I was about to step away when I heard something. The faintest little cry; sounding so close yet so far away. I turned and walked deeper into the alley, stumbling upon a box. Using the flashlight on my phone, I shined the light around and found the box. Inside were about seven little squigling, squirming puppies, yipping and scratching around the box. Their eyes hadn't opened yet so I guessed they were less than two weeks old. I looked around for a mother to the pups but came across something far worse. At the end towards the alley, she laid there, flies buzzing around her body which was laying limp in the ground. That's how life works but I guess it made me a bit sad thinking about it. Taking an old cloth I had found on the ground, I covered her body with the fabric and picked up the box of puppies. What was I going to do with a box of puppies?

   My first thought was food. They can't be older than a few weeks and it's not like they can eat puppy food yet. All my thoughts were answered when a pet store came into veiw. Placing the box o' puppers in an alley way, I was careful to hide them so nobody would stumble upon the box. There was no guarantee they would still be there though so I worked fast. I zipped up my big coat and made my way inside heading for the dog and puppy food. I found a substitute milk in cans and droppers to feed them. I grabbed a few other things as well like little toys and a soft blanket. Stuffing them all in my coat, I was careful going out of the exit and that was that! I went to check on the box and it was *thankfully* still there. Picking it up, I made my way home hoping nobody would bother me on my way back. Making my way inside, Tomura sat on the couch, probably thinking about something unimportant and noticed me coming in. "What's in the box?" He asked, turning towards me. I hoped th puppies wouldn't make a sound. "None of your business. I'll be in my room." I mumbled, walking through my door and shutting it immediately.

   I placed the box on my bed and took them out one by one and wrapped them in the blanket from my jacket. Taking out the cans of milk, I opened one with the peel back tab and grabbed a dropper. Sucking up a little bit of the milk, I held it up to the first puppy's mouth and it started sucking on it, the liquid slowly draining from the dropper. After the first had his fair share, I did it again for the others. Four boys and three girls. I decided their names quickly; Dai, Botan, Akio, and Hiro for the boys and Amaya, Kiko, and Mai for the girls. They all squirmed around my bed, quietly whimpering. I picked up one, heart melting at the sight of him. I instantly held him close, his little head bobbing all around looking for a safe spot. I heard a knock on my door and before I had the chance to hide the puppies, Toga ripped through my door. "Hey!" I yelled, turning towards her and trying to block her veiw, to no avail. "What? I knocked!" She fought back. "I could have been masturbating. Stop bursting in without hearing an answer." I reasoned, sitting carefully on my bed. "But you weren't. Anyways, what are you hiding?" She asked, walking forward and peeking over me to see the puppies. "Awwww! They're so cute!" She squealed, picking one up and placing it on her lap. He wondered around blindly, eventually falling asleep on her skirt. "Shigaraki's going to kill you." She smiled, speaking in that little baby voice. "You think so?" I asked, petting the fur of Dai. Dai was my favorite of the seven.

   "You think so?" I wondered, looking at the puppies all napping on my bed. She shook her head yes. "But they're just puppies! What are we supposed to do? Kick them out?" She just looked down and continued to pet Amaya. "I'm not sure what he'll do. But your best bet is to hide them."

   So that's what we did. It's been a week now and Shigaraki has no clue we had puppies. I went back to the store and got more of the substitute milk. They has started opening their eyes and walking around and playing with each other. They were all adorable and I was immediately in love with Dai. He had to be mine. The puppies all became more talkative which was a recipient for trouble. They were quiet at first but now that they could see, they wouldn't stay quiet. It made leaving my room impossible without Toga with the puppies. They needed someone with them at all times. "It's time for dinner. And Kurogiri is tired of you having dinner in your room. So you might wanna come out before he comes in." Toga warned, knocking on my door. I guess I don't really have a choice. "I'll be out in a minute." I replied, placing all the puppies on my bed. They were asleep on my bed so it shouldn't be an issue.

   Closing my door, I hoped they wouldn't start crying. My bedroom was the closet to the bar where we ate. "Finally decided to come out of your room huh?" Kuroguri commented, handing me a bowl of ramen. I just nodded and started eating quickly so I could go back to my room as soon as possible. "Slow down you're gonna choke." Shigaraki said, pushing my bowl away from my spot. "What's been keeping you cooped up anyways?" He asked, pushing the bowl towards me. I opened my mouth to make an excuse but a loud thump followed by cries beat me to it. "What was that?" He asked, getting up from his chair to follow the noise. "Uh, nothing." I lied through my teeth. "I don't believe that for one second." And with that, my door was opened and he peered inside. "HOW LONG HAVE YOU HAD THEM!" He screamed the question across the hideout. "....a week." I replied. He didnt seem to like my reply. "A FUCKING WEEK! HOW LONG WERE YOU GOING TO KEEP THOSE RATS HERE?" He yelled at me. "I don't know. I saw them last week and the mom was dead; what was I supposed to do?" I asked back, scooping up the puppies in my arms and holding them close. "You can't tell me you're attached to them. They are dogs." He reasoned, staring at the bundle of fur. "Of course I have." I said in the little baby voice hoping it would convince him. "No. We're going to the shelter. Put them in a box and bring them with you. Get your shoes on." He said, leaving the room to his. "But-" he cut me off. "There is nothing you can say to convince me to keep them. Start getting your shoes on." Putting my head down, I grabbed the box and started placing them in. Toga came in a moment later to say her final goodbyes to the puppers. She reached in and grabbed Dai. "Come on. We're leaving." I motioned for her to put him back but she just hid him behind her and held her finger to her mouth. I simply nodded and placed a blanket over the box.

   We walked out the doors and towards the animal shelter. "Leave them on the doorway. We can't risk getting caught over puppies." He mumbled, scratching his neck in fury. "I'm sorry." I said, hoisting the box back up. "It's fine. We just can't take care of seven dogs." We walked in silence the entire way there and sat the puppies on the steps of the shelter. "Hope you find good homes puppers." I said, sad that I wouldn't be able to care for them anymore. "They will. Promise." And with that, he reached into the box and pulled out Amaya. "We need one at least." He smiled, holding her carefully. I smiled and started to say we ha done but he stopped before I could get a word out.

"I said we couldn't take care of seven."

"Two is perfect."

Shigadabi One-ShotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon