My Sunshine

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Really short I'm sorry!

I almost cried writing this :)   


  Today felt like a good day. These past few weeks have been miserable, but today felt different.  "Dabi, can we do something?" I walked into the kitchen and over to the little table where Dabi was on his computer.  "Sure. How's your stomachache?" He asked, looking up at me.  "A lot better. Can we go outside, even if it's in the backyard? I'm tired of being cooped up in this damn house all day." He closed his computer and stood up, grabbing my hand and kissing my cheek.  "Anything if it makes you happy." He led me into the backyard.

   I stood under the patio as Dabi watered his flowers. He looked so graceful as the sun brightly shined down on him, making it seem as if he was glowing. Dabi always seemed like he was glowing. Anytime he entered the room, it would always get brighter. When I am with him, my smile is always wider. He could make anyone laugh and be happy. He takes care of me whenever I am sick, even if it is just a simple headache.   

   Dabi is as important to me as the sun and water is to his flowers. Dabi is my own personal sunshine. Even if it's night, he still shines as bright as the moon and the stars. He helps me grow, mentally and physically, as a person. He is my rock that will always be there to hold me up when I'm unsteady. He is my world. But most importantly, he is the love of my life. I walked up behind him and hug him tightly, smiling into his back.  "I love you so much Dabi." I said. He turned around and put an arm around me, kissing my head.  "I love you too Shiggy." I held onto him as he finished watering his plants. When he was finished, I pulled him over to the porch swing, forcing him to sit down on it. I layed down in his lap and he used his foot to gently rock us. He played in my hair as we layed there in a comfortable silence, the cool October breeze sweeping over us.

    I looked over at the flowers, blowing gently in the wind and smiled. I grabbed one of Dabi's hands and kissed the back of it. I rested our intertwined hands on my chest, looking up at him. He smiled down at me and leaned down to kiss my forehead.

    This was all I wanted in life. Someone who loves me just as much as I love them. Someone to hold and take care of me when I'm sick. Someone to build a life and family with. Someone to call mine. And I found that someone. My sunshine.


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