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(A story in which Dabi visits house mother in the hospital)
Shigaraki's P.O.V

Dabi always leaves during the day whenever he can and nobody knows why. I thought maybe he was just doing villain work or spying and he had me believe it for a while. But every chance he gets, he leaves and always has the same excuse for it to. "I was working." He doesn't have a job that anyone knows of. He wouldn't have any other reason to get out. It was kind of annoying the rest of the league. I didn't now what was happening but I decided to follow him today. The rest of the group knew I was going out when he did, so we planned a day so I could follow him easily. We hadn't planned any attacks for today so it was a free day around our hide out. A perfect chance for him to sneak out.

He tried to silently make it out the door, looking around to make sure nobody saw before he booked it. "Okay, he's gone. I'll follow him now." I walked to the door, opening it slightly to see him just turn on the sidewalk. "I'll be back with an explanation soon." They all nodded and watched me leave, following stealthily behind him. He didn't seem to be going anywhere interesting but he was in disguise which is unlike him when he does his own villain work. He kept walking, quicker the closer he got to his destination. He was in town now, his shoulders seemed to relax. His pace was slower which also calmed me. It means he wasn't wasn't doing anything dangerous.

Then he started walking to a place that surprised me. The hospital. Not just any hospital. A mental hospital. He walked through doors and I didn't get anything from their. They wouldn't let me visit and I didn't even know why he was here so I was lost. I walked around the area spotting an outside area that was fenced in but still kept up nicely. It had benches and a small garden of flowers, a small trail for walking if you felt like it. I thought it was going to be a dead end until I heard a door open and a familiar voice. "I know momma." I crouched behind a tree just outside of the gate. I saw a good look at the woman he was with. His mom. She had white hair like snow, her outfit consisting to a light blue shirt and matching colored pants. I didn't get a good look at her from that. Her features were pretty plain, nothing to spectacular about her appearance. She seemed gentle.

"Touya, I love when you visit me. You don't have to everyday though. I don't want to take up your time." He laughed. "You don't take up my time momma. I don't have anything better to do during the day." Touya? I feel like I've heard that name before. "You can take the jacket off around me you know." He didn't say anything for a second before I heard the zipper of what I could only assume was his jacket. I kept searching. "They won't let me in like this. I'm already a wanted villain all over Japan. But I'll do it for you." You could practically feel her smile. "I know Touya. I know you aren't a villain. I don't blame you for the path you've taken. I know your life wasn't easy. Thank you for visiting me." He snickered. He didn't sound one bit sarcastic. He was almost a different person around her. "Anytime mom. How is Shoto doing?" He asked, eager to hear about Shoto. Wait. Shoto Todoroki? "Your brother is doing just fine. He came by with a Midoriya boy just yesterday. His studies are going well. They have a few days off and are starting interns with pros next week." She spoke fondly of her son. I have a last name now.

Touya Todoroki. Missing since January 18th XXXX. He went missing from the Todoroki household at the age of seventeen. If anyone has any leads, please call police. Last seen wearing a white shirt and black pants. Bandages on his arms, legs, and neck. About 5'10 at his time of disappearance. Blue eyes, red hair, guirk is blue flames.

So, it is him. Dabi is Touya Todoroki. I couldn't believe it. The more I realized it, the more it made since. I'm surprised the media hadn't caught on. Maybe because he left when he was so young and now he is in his twenties. I guess people just forgot about his case. "I know this visit was short. I'll be back tomorrow though. Maybe then I can tell you more about my friends. And maybe someone else too." He never spoke with such sincerity in his voice. It was nice to hear. "I'll be back tomorrow, I love you mom." "I love you too Touya." And with that, he was on his way out of the hospital. Shit, I was supposed to be back now. I didn't even think about the walk back. I thought running back but I would just look suspicious so I sped walked. But I wasn't fast enough. He caught up to me, grabbing my black hood pulled over my greasy blue hair.

"What are you doing here?" He asked, an urgency in his voice. "I don't know, what we're you doing in town, Touya?" He let go of my hood when he heard what I said. "What did you just call me?" He looked like I just caught him doing something criminal. "I said you name is there something wrong with that?" He laughed. Not a happy laugh. An angry one. "So, not only did you follow me, you spied on me. For what? To make fun of me?" I frowned. "No, I was just confused as to where you were going. We all were. I didn't know what I would find. I wasn't going to use it against you." He pulled me into an alley way where he pushed me against the brick wall. "Let's get one thing straight here; you saw nothing. You followed me, saw I was doing villain work, and left to tell the rest of them. We don't speak of this at all. My name was never Touya. I was never related to a hero. You know none of that. Got it?" I was confused. "I thought it was really sweet of you. You had a good time with her. We don't have anything against you going. We just didn't know where you were really going. That's what I went to find out today." He gritted his teeth. "So your going to tell them?" "Of course. They deserve to know. We are all friends right? We don't care about much but we care about each other." I smiled.

"Oh drop that shit. I know all you want to do is to tell them so you can one up me. Your going to tell them and I'll all soft and shit and then I'll be looked at like a child. You did this so you could make fun of me. But I can do the same to you. Kurogiri told me all about you. He's the only one who knows about your family right? Wouldn't be a shame if the rest heard about your little secret. How you killed your entire family. I'm sore they'd look up to you them right?" He grabbed my chin to force me to look at him and immediately faltered.

"You don't know when you go too far do you? You never know when to shut the fuck up. Just go ahead, talk more. I'd love to hear what else he told you." He tried talking but nothing came out of his mouth. "Cat got your tongue? Just go run back to your momma. Cause at least you have one."

And with that, I stormed back to the hideout leaving Dabi in the alleyway alone.

This fucking sucks but it's 1am and I'm tired so I'll still post it! I love you all!

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