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ANOTHER song AU! W O W. This is set in high school.

Shiagraki's P.O.V

I didn't want to get up today. Or any day for that matter. It was Monday. The start of another horrible week of school before having the freedom of a weekend. I got out of bed, my shoulder length blue hair slightly curled since I slept with wet hair. I pushed the covers off me, stepping into my walk-in closet and pulling out my uniform for school that was nicely hung on a hanger together. Pulling off my over sized sleeping shirt, I pulled on a tight fitting sports bra before I pulled on the white button up shirt. Buttoning it all the way up, except the top button, I grabbed the forest green skirt I loathed wearing. Slipping the shirt inside the skirts waistband, I grabbed the blazer from a different hanger and wrapped myself up in it. Grabbing the black socks, I slipped them on before I pulled on my shoes. God, I hate this day already. Brushing my fingers through my hair, I settled on hoping it looked good because I didn't want to look in the mirror. I just look like a flat chested girl.

Don't let me see what I am
Cause I can't stand it, no I can't

Grabbing the bag that was beside my bedroom door, I was trying to be quiet so I wouldn't wake my parents. They get mad when they have to get up early. I walked to the bus stop and tried to ignore the stares I got. They all knew. Everyone knew what I thought would just stay a secret. I told the wrong person. I wish this was just a phase. I've known it all my life. I just found out what it was a few years ago. It didn't start off as me thinking it was a bad thing. I thought it was just a normal thing people knew. People knew, but that doesn't mean they support it. And that rude awakening came a little too late. I'm honestly surprised my parents didn't hear about it. I wanted to convince people it was a phase but I couldn't even convince myself. Because it felt right. I knew it was right. But I didn't want it to be.

I'm coming back round again
It's been over a year, I thought this was the end

Arriving at school, the bus came to a stop as people piled off the metal death trap pushing and shoving. I sat near the middle, the only thing beside me was my simple yellow backpack. Flinging it over my shoulder, I was the last to leave to avoid being trampled. Making it inside the school, most kids waited in the cafeteria, some in the halls, some in class doing extra credit work or making up tests. But a specific group liked to stay next to my locker. The specific group that liked to make my life actual hell on earth. The school had twelve floors, each grade on them, extra classrooms, cafeterias, nurses, libraries, yet these kids traveled eleven flights of stairs every day just to see me. I felt flattered and scared.

And now I don't remember comfort
Because what I am is what I'm not

Most of the time, I try to ignore them in the morning but this time I can't. I left my English notebook in my locker and the teacher writes me up every time I leave it. If I get another, my parents get called to the school. I really should just take this stuff with me next time. I went by my locker, trying to ignore their existence and hope they ignore mine. But my wishes aren't answered when one grabs my shoulder and turns me toward him. "What do you want?" I pleaded, flinching and being prepared for a hit to the stomach. Instead, they kicked the back of my knees and made me fall to the ground. "If you wanna be a man start acting like one." The first one said as I shakily stood back up. The rest of the group laughed, taking turns and throwing insults at me.  "Oh wait, you can be a man. Just take a dive off the roof and hope you're born as one in your next life." I slammed my locker shut, dropping my bag in front of them. Grabbing a familiar, old paper from the front of my backpack pocket, I walked up to a random person and shoved it into their hands without a word and started running to the stairs to the highest floor while their laughs and shrieks could be heard from behind me.

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