Void Of Color (part 2)

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Shigaraki's P.O.V

I was a little shocked when I saw my hair like it used to be for that split second. I almost didn't believe what my eyes were showing me. I guess I didn't want to. If I thought about it too long it would just fade away. That would just make things worse. He wasn't far from my house; probably only a few houses down the road. On our walk, I also managed to ask for his number without having a panic attack. He put it in my phone and told me to text him when he got home which didn't take long. It wasn't a bad neighborhood. It was a middle class neighborhood that we lived in. But a pretty house doesn't always host the best people. My worlds biggest demons were waiting inside to taunt me and make my life the hell it already was when I turned twelve.

I walked though the door, my finger twirling around my slightly colored hair. My skin had also grown a shade closer to a peachy color, a pale light tan dusting my arms. "What are you doing home so late? You were supposed t be here seven minutes ago." My 'mother' asked, tapping her lit cigarette against the glass ash tray. "I was walking home with a friend." I said, straightening my posture. She was the type of person to criticize someone about their outward appearance like how their clothes looked or how they presented themselves. "And who would want to be friends with such a waste of space as yourself? Tuck in your shirt." She demanded. I quickly did as I was told, my hair brushing in front of my face. It started fading back to the grey I knew so well, the tips holding onto the color for dear life.

"His name is Dabi." I said, finishing my shirt and standing back up right. "Oh, you mean that Touya kid from down the road. His father says he's a disgrace to his family. Just like you!" She screamed, the glass ashtray flying in my direction. I dodged, glass and ashes shattering and scattering all along the wall and floor. "Come here." She called, her voice laced with power. I was dreading what was about to happen. Reluctantly, I stood in front of her. She grabbed my arm, pulling it towards her and pushing her lit cigarette into my skin. I clenched my bottom lip between my teeth, wincing in pain. I pulled it away and a circular burn mark was left in the place of once untouched skin along with other circles of scars. Pulling my grey arm back at my side, I pulled my grey hair back behind me ears to get it out of my veiw. Grey once again.

I walked out of her sight before booking it to my room. That was another thing she disliked; running in the house. She thought it was 'improper'. I made it up to my room with a sick feeling in my stomach. I always had that when I got home. It happens when I eat. Most of the time, I do something wrong and no dinner is my punishment. I usually sneak things from the cupboards and fridge after they are asleep. Grabbing my phone from my pocket, I gently placed on my bed, careful not to make the bed creak. She yelled at me once for that.

   Unlocking the front screen, I started texting the new number I had gotten today.

Shigaraki: hey its Tomura

Dabi: cool. What are you up to?

Shigaraki: trying to be as quiet as possible. You?

Dabi: doing homework I'm never gonna finish.

Shigaraki: cool.

   I was never good at holding conversations so I finished it at that, turning off my phone and laying it down next to me. I stared at the popcorn style ceiling, deciding for the thousandth time if I should run away. It wouldn't be a bad idea. They wouldn't care that I was missing. They might not even notice me. But if anyone found me, they would return me to these people I call family and they would probably just punish me somehow. I was always nervous for what happens when I get caught for something. Probably why I'm so hesitant to do anything.

   "Dinner's ready!" 'Mom' screamed from the kitchen, the sound of pattering footsteps from my siblings being heard running past my door. I groaned, knowing I probably wasn't supposed to go to the table. There were rare occurrences where they wouldn't care and silently pass me a plate and let me eat in silence. I had to be careful. There were rules I, and only I, had to follow. No talking unless spoken to, excuse myself from the table for any reason, eat everything or you're ungrateful, eat too much and you're a pig. Then the other, smaller rules that still got me a verbal beating. I never seemed to do anything right. I'd rather starve than get verbally abused by the people who are supposed to care about me. They just foster me because they get the check every month. It's only a matter of time before I'm not worth it anymore.

   I sat on my bed, hoping I wasn't supposed to go to the table. They won't tell me if I'm allowed. I show up if I think I'm supposed to. So I didn't show up. I kept my gaze at the ceiling, connecting the dots of popcorn ceiling like stars in the sky. Making patterns and shapes and letters and numbers. Tracing my fingers around the ceiling like it was a star filled sky. It would be lovely to be free. To be freed of the chains that kept me a prisoner in this house. They wouldn't notice. They wouldn't care. So, without a second thought, I quietly walked to my closet pulling out the duffel bag I came 'home' with and started stuffing. I grabbed my clothes, phone and charger, toothbrush and other bathroom necessities. A few other things that I had brought like trinkets and figures and stuffed animals I had gotten from houses along the way. Each a symbol of the hell I experienced and went through. But also a symbol of freedom and accomplishment. That I got out of a situation. The closer I was to packing, the happier I felt. And my bag was finished and I was happy.

   Do I leave a note or leave without a trace? Maybe they will forget I even existed? Who knows what will happen. Pulling out my phone, I texted the new number.

Shigaraki: I'm running away.

Dabi: I'm coming with you.

   And with a smile covering my face, I pushed the blue hair from my eyes behind me ears. I stared at the small mirror at my full red eyes. Color for the first time in a while. It wasn't perfect. It was far from it.

   But with him I would be okay.

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