Save Him

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Angst warning because these two can never have a happy ending in my books apparently
:/ (but seriously, this chapter is mega sad)

Dabi's p.o.v

   Tomura has been pretty quiet recently. After our last battle with the heroes went to shit, he hadn't been acting the same. You could sense something was wrong in the days leading up to today, there was trouble in the air, you could smell it. The rest of the league was trying to think of something that could work, knowing that if he had a success it could bring him back to his usual self. We were talking about a smaller attack, thinking of teaming up to take down a lower ranked hero to get us out there in the media. After some talking with Kurogiri, it seemed at one point he was jealous of the media coverage Stain had gotten when Shiggy had released the Nomu the same night. Since I had been following Stains' ideology, I, as well as Miss Psycho Space Buns, tried to think of a plan to recreate something like his attacks on the heroes. We were close to completing our task and tonight we were going to explain it to Tomura over dinner. "Can you go get him from his room. He's been up there all day." Kurogiri said, nodding me towards his door. I nodded and walked in, looking around and not seeing him in his room. All his lights were turned off and the room was quiet. "Tomura. It's time for dinner." I called out, getting no response. I started to get this stomach turning feeling and started looking around his room, flipping on the lights. "Tomura." I called again. I walked over to the bathroom door, knocking gently. "Tomura?" I knocked again getting no response. I gently opened the door, peeking in and seeing the horrific sight.

He was laying slumped against the bath tub, his face pale and shaking. "TOMURA!" I screamed, sliding towards him and pulling him up on my lap. I scooped him up in my arms, feeling for a pulse; a small one that was barely there. "CALL AN AMBULANCE!" I screamed out, carrying him into the room we were all in. Toga started tearing up and rushed over to us while Kurogiri stayed silent. "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING? CALL AN AMBULANCE!" I screamed out again, only to get his response. "We're the most wanted villains in Japan, we can't risk paramedics finding us." I just stared at him wide eyed. "So you're telling me you'd rather him die than risk you getting caught??? Call them and run away if you're really that fucking pathetic but I'm staying with him. NOW CALL A FUCKING AMBULANCE BEFORE I DO IT MYSELF!" While we were talking, Tomura had already passed in and out of consciousness multiple times and his pulse was dying down. "I can't do that. It's too much of a risk for us and our work." "WE'RE ABOUT TO LOSE OUR LEADER AND THIS IS ALL YOU CARE ABOUT? I CAN'T FUCKING BELIEVE YOU. LEAVE IF THAT'S ALL YOU CARE ABOUT! I'M TAKING HIM TO THE HOSPITAL!" I yelled, opening the door to the outside world and booking it down the sidewalk to the closest hospital. I'd been out on the streets long enough to know my way around Japan well enough. I knew running out without a disguise was dangerous for me as well as him but he was worth it. I'd find a way out anyways.

"Tomura, talk to me." I started talking to him, hoping to get some sort of response. He was breathing heavy, coughing and heaving but still breathing. "What happened? What did you do?" I asked, weaving my way through the streets and people, not stopping for anything or anyone. "Pills." Was the only word he could muster out between breaths. "You're gonna be okay, you're going to survive this alright? I won't let anything happen to you." He only nodded slowly, his eyes closing. "No, keep your eyes open." I said, his eyes creaking open for just a moment. His hand went to my face, ever so gently that I almost didn't feel it, not all his fingers resting on my cheek. He smiled for a split second before his hand slid to his side and he completely went limp. "Tomura, stay with me. Look at me." I pleaded, catching view of the hospital a few paces away. I ran faster than ever, making my way through the doors getting shocked looks from nurses who had most defiantly seen my face on tv. "Please, help him! He tried to commit suicide!" I yelled at one of them, instantly getting on a phone to call a group of doctors to the front with an emergency. They came out almost instantly, taking him from my arms and placing him on a gurney. He looked so frail and fragile, I almost didn't believe it was the same person I had met a few months ago. I started chasing after them, watching as he was pulled into a room. I wanted to open the door and be there but I knew it was impossible. The second the door closed, I heard the speaker system start up stating a 'Code Silver' and instantly knew it was for me. They must have also called for police when one of Japan's Most Wanted show up at a hospital.

Nobody was in the hallway I was in but I knew police were most likely already in the building. I could attempt to make an escape, burn the building to the ground in a split second but Tonura's life depended on the doctors in the room with him. I peered through a window, watching as they shoved a tube down his throat. They were probably getting his stomach pumped. He was hooked up to so many machines, they must work so fast. My thoughts and sight were broken when I heard feet running down the hallways, looking in each direction as police surrounded me, without a second thought, I placed myself in a circle of fire they were unable to cross through without a temperature based quirk, and even then without the right training they would never get through my flames. "Stand down!" They tried coaxing me to give up and in that moment I was faced with a deep realization; it was either Tomura and me getting out of this arrested or dead. If I stood down, they'd arrest me and send him straight to prison with me. But if I didn't give in, my only other option was to burn the place to the ground with everyone including me and Tomura inside. I wasn't sure which was better so I blocked out their voices watching through the small crack I could see through in the window. They tried stabilizing him, getting him in a state where his heart could keep going even if he was connected to thousands of machines and IV tubes. But it was no use.

He laid there motionless, the only sound ringing in my mind was the heart monitor that stayed on flatline and the nurses frantically trying to get it stable again. In a moment of desperation, I screamed and fell to the ground, my efforts to save him for nothing. "SAVE HIM! PLEASE! BRING HIM BACK! PLEASE! KEEP HIM BREATHING! MAKE SURE HE CAN BREATHE! I NEED HIM TO BE OKAY!" I was breaking down, banging on the window and pleading for the nurses inside to give him back breathing and healthy and happy again but that didn't happen. That wasn't the reality we lived in. I screamed, not caring who heard me or what was happening around me, letting my flames around me grow. I heard the sudden screams of thousands, fleeing for the front doors. All I could do was stand there, my skin burning in agony as my fire grew and caught hold of anything around me, the fire traveling far into the hallways and rooms of patients and doctors.

The last thing I remember was looking through the window, the beeping from the heart monitor starting up again and Tomuras creaking open before I fell to the floor.

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