Initial Love

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Tourma's P.O.V

   My initials were stupid. They showed up when I was thirteen and just a gentle reminder on my hand that I was alone. The initials on my hand weren't mine, they were my alleged soulmate who I still yearned to meet. I just stared at my hand in the dark, tracing the two letters over and over on my hand. They didn't even match anyone I knew. I was only sixteen but it was all I had to look forward to. All I wanted was to find someone. Yet I couldn't even do that. Sighing in frustration, I turned over tracing the letters one more time. First name last name. They were probably stupid anyways. Who's initials were T.T?

----------------------Next Day----------------------

  "If it makes you feel better, I haven't even got my initials yet." Dabi said, showing my his flawless hands. I sighed, burying my face in my hands. "I know." I said, for the thousandth time. "Change of subject. Can I still come over to finish the English project for third period. It's due tomorrow and we have half of it done." I sighed. "No, change of plans. My "parents" said they don't want company." I said parents with quotations because they aren't my real parents. They were adoptive parents who didn't like me. They would sometimes hurt me but it was better than them hurting their own daughter who I considered to be my little sister. She was seven and so full of life. I couldn't stand them being verbal towards her. They let me have Dabi over once for a school project but decided we were having 'too much fun' for something to do with school so they beat me and told me he couldn't come over again. "Can we go to your place?" I asked. I hadn't ever been to his house. His face paled and he looked desperate.

   "I'm not going to judge you for your home life. As long as you aren't in danger, I don't care about your parents or siblings." He never really opened up to me about his home life. Or anyone for that matter but I could tell something was different. I knew he was hiding something. "Only this once. And only because I can't afford to fail this class. Let me ask my sister if it's okay first." He sighed, grabbing his phone. It pinged a moment later, his face going even paler. "She said sure. Meet me by the flagpole outside and we can walk to my place together." He said, the bell for first period interrupting him. "See you in third period." I called out to him as he headed to math while I headed to history.

The day was boring as ever, and before I knew it, it had ended. I walked out of last period and went to my locker to grab my English notes. We had an essay due tomorrow on Shakespeare and his 'revolutionary writing'. Dabi and I were paired up for one of the easier tasks; a two page biography on his entire life. The whole class was paired up and each had a paper subject about Shakespeare, one about his life, different written prompts, history, family history, and so on. However, we were only one page in and it was due tomorrow. Fuck my life.

   Walking to the flag pole outside our school, Dabi stood next to it, twiddling his hands in front of him, his bag lazily slung over his left shoulder. "Ready to finish this stupid paper?" I asked, punching his shoulder playfully. He smiled slightly, nodding and leading the way. "Wanna stop for frozen yogurt? My treat?" He asked, turning down Parkway Boulevard towards Menchies, a frozen yogurt place I had grown to love. "Sure? If you want." I said, more of a question than statement. "Good. That should be enough time." He said, opening the door and gesturing for me to go inside. "Enough time?" I questioned, but he ignored me grabbing a cup and filling it with vanilla yogurt. I brushed it off, grabbed my own cup and filled it with cookies and cream yogurt. At what point is it just ice cream?

Grabbing chocolate chips, mini M&M's, chocolate sauce and whipped cream, we weighed them, he paid, and we went to a table to eat. He ended up getting vanilla with strawberries, chocolate sauce and chunks of broken up waffle cone. His looked a lot healthier than mine but I almost never went here anymore so I decided to savor it with my favorite. "Thank you, I'll pay you back I promise." I said, scooping a spoonful of my sugary concoction into my mouth. "Not a problem. I wanted to go here anyways." He said, somehow half of his cup already gone. "You know, you eat really quickly." I said, barely scooping off the top. He just scoffed, continuing to eat with me in silence. "I'm really dreading this English paper you know." I said, breaking the silence and eating the last of my frozen yogurt. He was done way before me, so he just watched in silence. "You aren't the only one. How much did we get down?" He wondered, grabbing his bag from the tile floor and slinging it in his back. "I'll read it when we get to your place." His mood dropped and he nodded. "We should get going now." He walked out in front of me, leading the way to his house.

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