i love you (part 2)

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Dabi's P.O.V

   The knock on my door the next morning startled me. I wasn't used to visitors so when the soft sound echoed through my apartment, I dropped my phone in shock. Picking it up, I ran to the door to answer it. Opening the door, I was met with the blue hair and red eyes of a man holding a small child. He had a small backpack with him, slung lazily over his shoulder. "Good morning. I hope it's not to early. I can leave if it is." He started but I cut him off. "It's okay. Come in. You can set your bag by the door." I said, holding the door open for him. He walked in, shrugging the bag off his shoulders. "He fell asleep on the walk over here but this is Aito." He said, gesturing to the boy asleep on his shoulder. He looked so small, short black hair rested flat on top of his head. He had a simple white shirt on with black pants and small grey socks. "Hey little dude!" I whispered, careful not to wake him. "I made breakfast if you're hungry. I'm off today and you're welcome to stay here as long as you want." I said walking to the kitchen. "If you want, I have a guest room really close by if you want to lay him down." I said, pointing to one of the doors. He nodded, walking in and coming out a moment later.

   "Thank you. You have no idea how much you've already helped me." I smiled at his words, handing him a plate of eggs and bacon. "I don't know that I have anything for Aito but I need to go grocery shopping today. Is there anything specific he likes?" I asked, grabbing the list I had on the counter. "Apple sauce. Any kind of fruit juice. Oh, and cheese puffs. He lives off of those. I have a few things in my bag for him so there no rush." He reassured. I added the items to the list, placing it on the fridge with a small magnet. Sitting down by my half eaten plate, we sat in silence for the entire meal. That is, until he said- "Tell me about yourself." I thought for a second before I answered. "My name is Dabi. I'm twenty six and I live by myself. I work at a bar about three blocks away from here. I'm not really that interesting of a person." I said, taking another bite of my breakfast. "What about interests? What do you do in your free time?" I grabbed my plate and took it to the sink, letting it collide with the other dishes from last night that I still hadn't bothered to do. "I draw though I'm not the best at it." I admitted, walking back to the table. "There. That's interesting. How long have you been doing art?" I thought for a second. "Three years." He nodded. "Impressive. I'd like to see them sometime." He commented, taking his plate to the sink and started washing the dishes. "You don't have to do that." I said walking over to trying and take over but he wouldn't let me. "This is the least I could do for you. It's only a few dishes it's not that big of a deal." He reasoned. So, I walked behind the counter and sat on a barstool and watched him. It wasn't a few minutes later when little footsteps came down the hall. Running over to Tourma, hugging his legs and squealing in delight. "Dada up!" He squeaked, his arms held out in the air. Without a word, he placed the last dish in the rack before drying his hands and picking him up. Spinning him around, Aito let out a hysterical laugh before wrapping closer to him and holding on for dear life.

"Aito, meet Dabi." He said, stopping and gesturing to me. He stared for a second before he smiled and waved. I waved back slightly. His eyes were a deep red with little speckles of bright orange mixed in. They looked like the inside of a blood orange. He dropped down from Shigaraki with a bunch of wiggling and them ran out of view. I went to follow him but Tourma stopped me. "He's going to get something from his bag." He said, drying the dishes and putting them in cabinets and drawers. "How did you know?" I asked, sitting back down. "He has the little signs he does when he gets something or needs something. He's very social with new people. He'll be back with one of his toys if he likes you or other times, he comes back with a snack. Depends on his mood when he wakes up." Sure enough, the little footsteps came back and he came in with a small container and spoon, holding them out to me. "He's hungry. I'll feed him." He said, coming from behind the counter but this time, I was the one who stopped him. "It's okay. I got this. I'm the oldest of four siblings. I've done this before." With a nod, I grab his container and spoon, motioning him to follow me. Setting the things he handed me down, I pulled out a chair and grabbed a throw pillow from the couch to make it taller. Setting him in the chair, he sat patiently waiting. Opening the container, I scooped a spoonful up before holding it out to him. He took the spoon and ate it by himself, sticking the spoon back in the container for seconds. "He learns quickly. You just looked happy to feed him so I let you have that moment. He's been feeding himself his own food for months but sometimes, he wants people to feed him." He continued dipping the spoon in the applesauce, scooping it in his mouth then going for more.

"You know, I can go shopping if you want to watch him. I mean, you don't have to. I just offered because you seemed okay with-" I stopped him. "I would like that. The list is on the fridge. Take your time. There's no rush. My wallet is in my jacket on the coat rack by the door." I said not breaking my haze. "Okay. I'll be back soon." He said, and with that, he grabbed the list and my jacket and went out the door. While Aito finished his applesauce, I grabbed the spoon and container and put them on the counter. Pushing his arms out to me, I took the hint and picked him up, hoisting him on my side. "You know, your hair needs to look like mine." I mumbled, to which he giggled in response. Taking that as a yes, I went to the bathroom where I kept my hair products. Setting him upright on the counter, he looked at his reflection in the large mirror while I took strands of his hair and spiked it up like I did mine. Finishing the hair styling, I put my hair things back before I picked him up and walked with him back downstairs. He now grabbed my thumb and started bringing me towards his bag. Inside was mostly toys and clothes, a few other necessities. Grabbing two figurines, he handed one to me before he clashed them together. I grabbed his bag before grabbing his hand in mine and leading him to the living room. Taking out all his toys, he grabs random ones playing with figures, cars, trains and dinosaurs along with a few older looking toys like ones for teething and a soft bear, loose with barely any stuffing left. Walking over to me, he reached out and grabbed the bear, crawling onto the couch and hugging in close. Closing his eyes, he laid there for a while. After ten minutes, I knew he was asleep and went to grab a small blanket. Picking him up, he leaned into my shoulder, his grip still tight on the bear. Pulling the blanket over us, I leaned back on the couch and soon found myself drifting into sleep.

3rd P.O.V

Tourma walked in with a few bags of groceries on his arms, setting them on the island in the kitchen. The house was oddly quiet and he almost thought they had left. Exploring further, it didn't take long for him to find both of his boys passed out on the couch, huddled together with a blanket. Kissing their foreheads, he picked up the toys from the living room and put the groceries away, careful not to make too much noise. With a smile, he sat on the recliner next to the couch, glancing back at them ever so often, enjoying the silence of the apartment. Things were going to be okay. Before falling asleep, he hummed a few small words surprised when he got a few hummed back.

"I love you."


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