i love you (part 1)

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(An AU where soulmates share one song.)

So, quick explaination: basically, this AU sounds really strange? Maybe not. How it works: you are born a song in your head. Your soulmate has the same song. Also, I recommend playing the song right now. That's all okay bye.

Dabi's P.O.V

Running home in the rain was the worst but at least I was close to my apartment. I didn't have a car and it almost never rained, so walking to work was almost never a hassle. Except when it rained. And even then, it was only a seven minute walk. Grabbing my keys from the pocket of my leather jacket, I unlocked the door and jumped inside away from the freezing rain and wind. God I hate Febuary weather. Taking off my drenched shoes, I went to my room to grab a change of clothes and a towel for my hair. Hanging my coat on the hook by the door, I walked upstairs to my room to grab pajamas. Settling on a white shirt and oversized black pants, I dried my hair with a towel,shaking it around on my head, hair still spiky from the gel I put in it earlier this morning. Walking back down the creaking stairs, I went to the kitchen to grab a snack before crashing on the couch to watch a movie.

About one and a half movies later,I decided it was getting to be late and I was starting to get drowsy. Putting my dirty bowl in the sink, I left it with a few other random dishes I hadn't bothered to do. Going to the connected bathroom to my room, I started the shower water and grabbed a towel from the cabinet, throwing it over the curtain. Jumping in, I washed my hair and body quickly, ready to get to bed. Turning the shower handles, I grabbed the towel and dried my body and hair before wrapping the towel around my waist. Going to the sink, I brushed the tangles out of my hair and was in the middle of brushing my teeth when I heard it. A loud crash coming from my living room.

I didn't have any clothes on so I just brushed it off as the dishes clanking together in the kitchen sink downstairs and continued brushing. There wasn't any noises for a few minutes so I relaxed a little only to hear footsteps coming up the creaky stairs. Dropping my toothbrush in the porcelain bathroom sink with a quiet clank, I decided to hide behind the shower curtain. The curtain and bathtub were still soaked with water making any move I made noticable with a loud squeak. Holding my breath, I hoped that who ever this was would just leave as soon as they came. They couldn't really take much. The only valuable things I had were my phone and a few other random things around my apartment. I heard the door to my bedroom open, then rustling sounds through dresser drawers, the sound of clothes being moved around. Then, bedside drawers being opened. Shuffling and banging but also a sound they were making themselves. I couldn't tell wether they were a man or a woman. They hadn't spoke at all. They were humming. Better yet, they were humming a familiar song. One I knew too well for comfort.

Whoever they were, opened the bathroom door and immediately closed the door behind them. Hearing the quiet cocking of a gun, their slow footsteps made their way closer to the shower curtain. They were still humming. I could piece the song together and it all clicked in my head at once. This person. They were my soulmate. They were still humming, the same humming running in my head, lyrics running over the music. He gripped the curtain, and as he pulled it back, I blurted out the only words I knew that would save my life. "I didn't mean to say I love you." I sang out, immediately slapping my hand over my mouth. He dropped the gun on the tile floor with a loud clank, his face full of fear. He was dressed in black, a hood pulled over his light blue hair. Backing up, he went to turn to the door. "Wait, stop." And that worked. He stopped by the door. "I'm going to change that way we can talk. Turn around." He did as I said, turning away from me, his head rested on the wooden door. Grabbing my clothes from the ground, I pulled them on before walking over and tapping him on the shoulder. "I'm dressed. Follow me." I don't know what I was thinking. Someone broke into my house. No, my soulmate broke into my apartment, almost killed me, and now I'm leading him to my living room to talk. It couldn't possibly get weirder at this point.

Sitting on the couch, he sat next to me, staring at his hands resting in his lap. "Well, this isn't exactly how I expected us to meet." I started with a laugh. Hopefully that would make him feel comfortable. Instead, he started shaking. "I-I'm sorry. I really should be leaving though." He mumbled, standing from the couch. Grabbing his arm, I stopped him from moving any farther. "Hold up. At least give me a reason. I can't just meet you without a name or anything. Where are you going?" He pulled his arm away from my grip. "My name is Tourma. And I have to check on my son, Aito. Now if you'll excuse me, I really should check on him." He said, trying to walk away. "I understand. Where are you staying? Maybe I could visit?" I said, grabbing my untouched phone from the coffee table. "Why would you visit me. Look, I just tried to rob you. Why are you like this?" He said, going to the door. I followed him.

"Because I've waited for this moment for my entire life. I've wanted to meet my soulmate and now I did. No matter how strange our first encounter was, I'm happy as I could be if I met you any other way. So, I care. Now tell me, where are you both staying?" He looked at the doorknob which he was now holding onto. "With a friend of mine. That will probably change soon though." He mumbled. "Why is that?" I wondered out loud. And with that, he slipped down my door, crashing into a pile of tears. Getting down to his level, I wrapped my arms around him as he explained.

"Aito isn't my kid. His real parents were killed and in their will, they wrote that if anything were to happen to them, I would be his guardian. He was only a few months old. I couldn't just let him down. He was only a baby. I had a stable job but having to take care of a baby alone and also working didn't make for a healthy life. I would do anything to make money because I had to quit my job. I just couldn't let him have a bad life. After a few months, I lost my apartment, then my car. It was only me and him against everything else. So, I started staying at friends houses. He's only two years old. I've already failed him as a parent. He calls me 'dada' and it breaks my heart but I just smile and hug him. So, I decided I needed to get back on my feet. I haven't robbed any houses before yours. I know it's not right but I cant let him live like he is now. So, I'm sorry. But I really need to go." He stood up but before he could open the door, I grabbed his hand.

"You did what you had to do. You're trying your hardest and you aren't failing him. I'm sure he's a sweet kid. And, he's always welcome here. Both of you are." He looked up at me, tears still welling in his eyes. Without warning, he pulled me into a hug, squeezing as tight as he could around my chest. "Is it really okay?" He asked, his voice muffled in my chest. "Its okay. It will be okay." He pulled away, gripping the door handle. Before he left, he turned towards me still looking toward the floor. "I can't escape the way I love you." And without a second thought I responded.

"I don't want to, but I love you."

Do you guys wanna part 2?

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