Omega 28

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"Tell me your every story
Tell me why you don’t stop this"

Living with the uncertain was too scary. Walking into mysterious path ways and walking ahead to unfamiliarity was never been a wish to anyone else. This beauty have been too familiar as the days have passed. The quiet beautiful scenery gave me peace after years of seeking it. The familiarity of the scent made me smile and even walking towards it more, still not enough and wishing for more. A beautiful bed of flowers each one different from each other, each one holding its uniqueness among the rest. The scent was just too familiar, its sweet relaxing fragrance. The grasses were high that it reaches up to my knees and the morning dew was damping my bare feet. The cold breeze of air was hitting my face making the strand of my hair go the same direction as the wind flows. The whispering of the winds and the sound of nature was so alluring that it made me unconscious of what surrounding I am in. In the heart of the forest too vulnerable for everything.

I already saw a red flashing eyes, holding too dark emotions behind them but what I saw was only beauty. The urgency to took off that mask that wolf was hiding into. I wanna see behind that mask, the beauty inside it and be captured by its uniqueness. The lone wolf just turned into its original form happiness consumed my body as the little movement on the bushes was noticed by my sharp eyes, but why does my vision gets a little blurry. I wanna see his face but no matter how I narrowed my eyes or rub them to get a clearer vision nothing works. Closer and closer the man gets but as he took steps, the pounding of my head gets extremely painful and uncomfortable. My vision gets darker and darker until I felt something wet and warm in my neck, already hissing in pain, putting my hands towards it to soothe everything but what I felt there was made me in panic, and what is more when I saw it on my very blurred vision. Even if its unclear I am so sure of what I saw


Swaying as my legs gave up on me, I landed on the soft bed of grasses as I finally let myself through the dark, the man I saw earlier just disappeared..

OPENING my eyes in the midst of darkness, cold sweat was covering my body, panting loudly my hands traveled up to my neck to check if there was any blood in it. The dream seems too real as I actually felt the sticky warm red substance when I saw it in there. The dream was still playing and playing on the back of my head that gives me too much thoughts leading to overthinking. I tried to close my eyes to go back to sleep but to no avail, I keep seeing the horrifying images leaving me restless. Turning on the dim light, I checked the clock on the nightstand and was shocked to see that it is  just four am in the midnight. It was too silent like there was no people, the room was only illuminated by a small lamp and seeing the skies on the window was still in the shade of dark blue, the omega only sighed as he turned and twisted in his soft bed sheet just trying to find a position where he can sleep. Hours already have passed, the skies slowly turned in an orange hue as the sun slowly rise, the chirping of the birds was already heard but sleepiness hasn't came to Yoongi. He wants to rest as he was too tired of the yesterdays activities plus his body was still aching all over. His condition making his  pain tolerance higher he didn't even groaned nor pushed himself up to get himself any pain relievers to soothe his pain. Dark bags was under his eyes, his sheets was forming uncomfortable lumps, in short he was a mess. It is almost his hundredth time yawning but his eyes was still wide open. Sighing in defeat, he just laid side-wards as he hugged the soft pillow beside him and rested his aching body. Enjoying how comfortable and warm his cushions and blankets are hugging his body.

A knock was heard that broke his reverie. A familiar young man came to the omega's room carrying a tray of what he suspected a soup and a warm cup of tea, he was praising the young man silently as for what he was expecting to be an orange juice who will only cause a stinging pain on his stomach, he was brought a tea which he was also craving now. 

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