Part 12 - Kidnap

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Later that night,

SSR and Ra's room:

Ra: I feel bad for them...what you did is unfair.They are a young couple and would like to have some time together why did you separate them ?

SSR: I did that to rile him up you know how much I love irritating that fella 🤣🤣

Ra: That is so bad.You keep playing like this one day karma will get back to you...good night.

SSR: 🤔

R and Karthikeya's room:

R was pacing up and down the room.

K: You're not sleeping ?

R: I want to but I'm thinking about bro and bava.Why your naanna had to separate them ?

K: I don't know he must be having his reasons.

R: He already did that in the movie wasn't it enough ?I saw bava's face it became pale when sir gave him another room so I have decided I am going to unite them!This night itself! With your help!

K: What?? Me?? How are we going to do it ?

R: Simple.We shall wait for everyone to sleep first.Then we will go to bro's room and kidnap her.

K: Kidnap ah ?? Don't want anna...if annayya knows he will hang us upside down...😰

R: Osi nee...we are kidnapping her for him only!Don't be scared.We only have to ensure that they are both in the same room the rest will be taken care by bava.I have faith in him.

K: Sounds fine but why struggle so much when we can ask them to move themselves once everyone is asleep ?

R: Why should they know? Let it be a surprise to them.When they come to know I am the mastermind behind this,bava will be so pleased and might present me his Johnnie Walker.Bro will admit that I am the right person to sit on Mahishmati throne.😌

K:(mv:He will never change....😏)
Whatever 🙄

So they waited patiently for everyone to sleep.

D and Pramod's room:

D: Zzzz....

Pr: Oh this annayaa is sleeping forgetting his own plan! Annayya, wake up!

He shook D by holding his leg.

D: Shraddhooo...don't pull my pant because I don't have habit of wearing chaddi...zzz....

Pr: Chi chi...karma karma...annayya pls wake up!

D turned sideways and threw his whole leg over the pillow pulling it towards him.

D: Sweetuuu your bottom is so squishy like jelly

He kissed the pillow and squeezed it.Pramod went behind D and gave him a strong push.He got up sitting upright.

D: Huh...uh...where is this ?

Pr: London.Remember your plan we have to kidnap vadina.

D: Yes...zzz...

His eyes fell droopy and he leaned back on Pramod who served as a backrest to him.

S and Prashanti's room:

S was slathering shea butter lotion on her satin textured skin while talking with her friend who was unpacking her suitcase.

Ps: You sure you don't want to go to your hubby?

S: I do want but it's ok,Pramod must be asleep.I don't want to disturb him.

Ps: If you want I'll sleep on the sofa in the hall.You and D can use this room.

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