7: Just Friends

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“Hey Kara why don’t you just ride with Logan and he can drop you off?” Maver asked sitting up and looking down at me. I could still feel the warm spot where his head had been.

NO! I didn’t say this. Instead I replied “I can wait for you.”

“Then I don’t have to waist gas money.” Maver said as he played absentmindedly with his wallet. He had fallen asleep in his clothes. “And I have things to do.”

“Like what? Sleep?” I snapped at him. I didn’t want to go with Logan. I sat up and glanced in his direction to see if he was looking at me. He wasn’t.

Maver gave me a playful shove. “Or you can stay here with me I guess.”

I sighed and got to my feet. “You’ll never get me home in time Maver.” I picked up the pile of my clothes from the floor and looked over at Logan. He looked incredibly bored. “Just give me a minute to get dressed.”

“Okay.” Logan nodded and waited in the doorway.

“Uhm, could you get out? Gotta change.” I told him shooing him from the room and closing the door.

Maver started to connect his computer things and I turned my back to him, stripped of the clothes of his I wore and pulled mine back on. “I’ll call you.” He said finally when I pulled open the door and started out of his room.

“Sure you will.” I muttered under my breath as I entered the livingroom to see Logan leaning up against the front door a cigarette burning and between his lips.

“Ready?” he asked without looking on me.

I nodded and let my eyes examine him taking in his rough muscular appearance. Part of me wished he would pay me some attention, even push me up against a wall again. “Yeah.”

He didn’t say another word just jingled his keys and opened the door.  I followed behind him ruffling my hair. Logan led me out the front door and to a rusted blue car that I couldn’t identify. It was too beat up. With a click the doors unlocked and I climbed into the passenger seat.

“Yeah right you and Maver are just friends.” Logan announced as he turned on the engine.

I looked over at him and his eyes were locked on me as he pulled out and started down the road. “We are.”

“Hence the undressing act?”

I laughed. “I used to take baths with the kid when we were toddlers. He’s seen more of me than I have.”


“He’s just a friend.” I repeated myself. I didn’t have any feelings towards Maver and he most definitely didn’t have any towards me. We were far from each other’s type.

Logan cocked an eyebrow and gave me a sly smile. “Guess I should try being your friend then.”

I rolled my eyes and looked out the car window as he pulled onto the highway. “Whatever.”

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