9: Saving Face

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This time I didn’t reply. “I mean James mentioned your little. . . .problem.” she whispered with a snicker. “I’m so sorry for you Kara. Your life must be so tough. I mean first your parents and then your boyfriend? You must really feel like killing yourself, huh? Nobody seems to want to stay around you. You should hang on to Maver, he’ll be gone any day now. If he has any sense he already is.”

My heart sunk. Oh the torture of being me. Why was she being such a complete bitch to me? Let’s just say that there was that whole she’s the new girlfriend and I’m the ex drama. But that was only half of it. My parents were the talk of the town. But I didn’t have time to let it sink in too deeply.

“Funny to hear that coming from a girl behind a counter.” Logan snickered as he came up behind me. “Now be a good little cashier and finish ringing this up.” He added a few boxes of poptarts onto the counter.

Cristy shut her mouth and rung us up, daggers shooting from her eyes. “That will be four hundred eighty seven and six cents. May I see some ID please?” she said in her false happy tone.

Logan shrugged and handed over his ID. She checked his picture and date then slid the card back over to him. I noticed her eyes dart from me to Logan a few times before she finished putting the drinks into bags.  I watched as Logan pulled a large wad of neatly folded bills from his pocket and counted out five crisp hundred dollar bills. From what I could see they all were high mark bills.

Where did he get that kind of money? I wondered and was sure that Cristy was wondering the same thing as she eyed the wad with a longing look. She took the bills with a smile and both Logan and I loaded our arms with the bags of drinks as she started to round up the change, having to make attempt after attempt at breaking a roll of pennies.

“You know what?” Logan said softly and she looked up at him. I couldn’t help but notice this time her eyes were much more accepting and flirty.

“Yeah?” she asked pausing the breaking of the new penny roll. Her brown hair fell in beautiful ribbions around her shoulders as she flashed him a smile.

Logan smiled back and I was tempted to turn and run. Seeing them flirt would definitely not be a high point in my day. “Keep the change. It looks like you could use it.” He smirked and my jaw dropped the same as Cristy’s in disbelief.

He slung his arm over my shoulder leading me out the front door pausing only to turn and say “Oh and nice uniform.” In a mocking tone over his shoulder. I have never felt such a level of satisfaction in my life as I did in that moment.

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