13: The Others

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 I groaned and laid out across the hood of Maver’s car. He had better hurry his sorry but up or I was going to walk home. Though I thought this I knew I wouldn’t. It was four miles I’d rather not walk.

“Kara get your fat ass off my car!” he yelled out and I could hear the laughter in his voice.

I looked up and my face fell. Maver had two of his friends with. “Hey Maver.” I greeted him hopping off of his car and dusting off my skinny jeans.

My eyes met his and he understood my expression right away. “Jim and Paul are coming over to play some COD.”

“Oh.” I nodded and I could already feel their eyes scrutinizing me.

“Guys this is Kara.” Maver introduced me sounding bored.

They nodded and didn’t say anything. “I’ll sit in back then.” I muttered awkwardly and climbed into the back seat.

-_-_-_-Some Time Later-_-_-_-

“Oh yeah twenty seven kill streak!” Maver cheered out as Jim and Paul groaned.

“It’s not fair playing against you! You live on this thing.” Paul said tossing down the controller.

I snatched it up and flashed Maver a competitive grin. “You just need to know how he plays.” I said and the game started.

My eyes focused on the game as I hunted him down and time after time killed Maver and Jim. “I give up.” Jim finally groaned but he flashed me a smile.

“What is that Maver? I have a twenty nine kill streak?” I asked teasingly as Paul got up to grab a drink. 

“Want one Kara?” he asked and I nodded as I grenaded Maver again.

I heard him walk from the room and Maver looked up at me. “Yeah yeah I was too busy going after Jim. You are going down!”

I rolled my eyes. “Is that a challenge little boy?”

“It’s a challenge.”

“Oh it’s on.” I teased back and took off my t-shirt while the loading screen counted down.

“Count me in.” Logan’s voice surprised me as he squeezed into the spot between me and Jim. I moved to scoot away but he slung his arm over my shoulder and pulled me towards him. “How are you sweetie?”

I rolled my eyes. “Just dandy.”

“What are you doing?” Maver asked as Logan leaned forward and picked up Jim’s abandoned controller.

“Showing you two how it’s done.”

I laughed and pulled his arm off of me. “To do that you need two arms.”

He shrugged. “Fine.”

Maver looked over at us and rolled his eyes. “Let’s just play.” He suggested and I nodded in approval as the game started. 

“How about every time you get killed you have to take off an item of clothing?” Logan suggested as right off the bat he killed me. It wasn’t a fair kill either, I was plugging my controller back in so it wouldn’t die.

I shook my head as I saw Jim’s eyes shoot to me. “Seeing as I’m the only girl here I really don’t think that’s a good idea.”

Logan jumped up. “Well then lets invite some people and throw a fucking party!” he didn’t wait for me to protest, the guys had already agreed.

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