❧eight ❧

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The phone had been ringing for a solid minute before Mattia had decided he would answer the call. He slid his hand off the edge of the bed from beneath the warmth of the covers and grabbed his phone.

He stared at the screen. It was Alejandro. The phone was still vibrating as it rung in the grip of his hands but Mattia didn't know if he wanted to continue sleeping or see what Alejandro had needed

But realizing the call could possibly be important, he slid the answer button and placed the phone to his ear as he wiped his eyes that were partially blinded by the brightness of the screen. "What" he groaned into the call

"Are you still sleeping?" Alejandro's voice responded loudly. Mattia lifted the phone away from his ear and looked at the time. 4:00pm

"I'm tired. I just got home from work an hour ago"

"Alright" the boy sighs into the call. "Well I found something that kind of confused me but I thought you should know.. I-even though I know you probably don't care-"

"What is it" Mattia cuts him off

"Well Paolo posted a picture on Instagram and in the caption he said Dawn took it"

Mattia raised an eyebrow and sat up in bed; as he leaned on the backboard. "Since when did they start hanging out?"

"Not sure but the comments made it seem like they were together? I don't know... I just wanted to tell you because I felt like you should know"

"Hm" Mattia frowns. "It doesn't matter to me. Because I'm in a relationship and I guess she... she is too"

"Look man I'm sorry-"

"No don't be sorry. Me and her are strangers. She has her own life"

The call had gone silent for a minute before Mattia said "look Ale, I'm gonna go but—t-thanks for letting me know"

"Of course, bro. You know I always got your back"

Mattia nodded to himself before hanging up the call and gently placing his phone besides him. His fingers trailed along the screen as his mind wandered.

He didn't know what exactly he was thinking. He didn't have much of a reaction to the news Ale had delivered to him. Because he had been numbed by the thought of Dawn. For nights after she had left he would stay up with tears creating an immense puddle on his sheets.

He had cried just thinking she left for the reason that she had moved on to someone better. He became broken assuming he wasn't good enough. And so he cried every day for months.

But the crying did nothing for him. He became deprived of the sensation of longing

Mattia was once a man that would die for Dawn. She was someone to die for in his eyes. Which scared him... how easily his thoughts could've guided him to take his own life over the blank thoughts of her that painted his mind often times.

He knew being confused would get him nowhere.. so he forced a mask on him since. He began going out more with friends. He forgot that he was ever sad over her. Because she meant nothing to him after he realized he would never find her

But now he realized he was right. She had moved on. Just later than he expected. But he had his own life too. His own relationship with a woman that provided care and comfort to fill the empty void his heart claimed.

Ava was his best friend before she became his lover. But they were still best friends even in the depths of their intimate filled relationship.

However he wouldn't die for her. He wouldn't die for anyone anymore.

Mattia smiled to himself. Dawn had found someone new for her which meant he could finally move on in the sense that he could now fully forget her.

They had their separate lives now... and Mattia wanted it to stay that way

However while Mattia had been rethinking his memories and discovering how he would label them, Dawn was on another date with Torvas

They had decided to go ice skating. Although it was nearing the end of winter, she had told Torvas how she was unable to skate on ice and he was determined to teach her.

"Torvas I'm gonna fall!" The woman screamed with a grin on her face as she set her arms up to find a balance that would save her from falling harshly on the cold ground.

"You have to move your feet!" The man said in between laughs as he skated towards Dawn and took her arm in his. "You can't just stand and expect to magically move!"

Dawn laughed immensely. "So show me how to move!"

He instructed her to put her foot out and push the other one back lightly. "Don't push hard on the blades or you'll fall on your face"

She put one foot out as she was told, but pushed hard on the blade and felt like she would fall. Her body leaned forward. "Torvas!" She yelled as she found the sleeve of his shirt and tugged on it

"Dawn you're gonna make me fall!" He said loudly as he lost his balance. The two were both about to fall as they tugged on each other. And then Dawn had pushed on him once more, enough to make them both fall and hit the ice beneath them

They were laughing on the ground as Dawn tried to get up but she fell every time. "Help me" she whines as she turned to Torvas who was still trying to get up

"Does it look like I'm standing?"

"We'll get up and help me already!" She laughed as Torvas found his way up and took her hand. They were both freezing in the grip of one another

"Don't let me go" she said with a slight smile as she focused on finding her balance

"Oh like this?" He threatened as he slowly let go of her hand.

"No no no stop!" She said as she began falling again but he wrapped his arm around her waist as his body leaned forward and his feet moved on the ice. He pulled her up so they were face to face and their eyes fought with each other's.

They hadn't been this close to one another. Although they had gone on several dates now, it had been somewhat distant. Dawn made sure she took her time and didn't rush anything

But right now nothing else mattered except that they were face to face, only inches apart from each other, on ice.

As he fixed his gaze from her eyes to her lips, Dawn moved in eagerly and placed her lips against his before pulling away

"I'm sorry-" she was cut off by Torvas placing his lips against hers again, taking all dominance as he wrapped his hand tighter along her waist and used the other to steady himself by her neck

The kiss was long but not too long before the two pulled away and looked at each other once more. They had been wordless.. surprised but not let down.

They both could say they felt butterflies

"Wanna get out of here?" The man has asked quietly, sending shivers down Dawn's spine

She hesitated before responding with


❧R E M O R S E ❧ [the sequel]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang