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N A R R A T I O N ❧❧❧❧❧❧❧❧❧❧❧❧❧❧❧❧❧❧

"So did you think I just wasn't gonna find out?" Ava asked as she slammed the door to Mattia's house shut. She folded her arms together as she stood feet away from him.

He looked at her confusedly. "Find out what?"

"Can you just stop with the fucking act!" She yelled at him; shocking her boyfriend as he raised an eyebrow.

"What act! You always think I'm up to something!"

"Because you are and I can't trust you!" She yelled back as her cheeks flushed red with anger.

She sighed as Mattia waited for her to calm down before she spoke again. "You weren't gonna tell me about Dawn?"

Mattia's face fell as his heart sped up. He was thinking of what to say but the words came out tripping over his tongue. "W-what a-about... what about her?" He brushed his hair back

"She's your ex"

He had no idea what to say. His mind was completely blank. He wasn't doing anything wrong,right?

Besides kissing her that one time, they were co-parents.. it was an 'in the moment my type thing. Not friends or lovers. Just co-parents

It shattered his heart deep down but he couldn't overthink. And he wasn't going to.

"Is this why you were mad the whole time?"

"I'm mad because you lied to me" she raised her voice and he raised his back

"Lied about what!"

"You said you were invited out for dinner by a friend. You didn't tell me it was your ex"

"She's not a friend. We're strangers. It was just to catch up on stuff."

"Do you remember our anniversary? When Alejandro gave you her Instagram. You've been in contact with her since that day haven't you?"

Mattia choked on the air he swallowed as it felt as though his walls were closing. Something that happened to him often. His hands shook as he could do nothing more except try to listen to his girlfriend

"And i asked you about her after that day and you said you didn't talk to her since you left"

Mattia's legs shook as he lowered his body slowly to sit on his couch.

"Answer me!" She yelled loudly. In that moment, his knees buckled and he fell to the ground. He was having a panic attack

Since he was diagnosed with anxiety and depression he faced panic attacks several times. They began occurring less and less since he was on medication. But since he began talking to Dawn he had forgotten to take the pills

His eyes watered as his heart sped and the room spun slowly causing him to feel nausea in his chest. He was unable to speak as his girl friend sat besides him immediately

"Mattia— m-Mattia" she placed her arm over him as she sat besides him. She had forgotten how easy it was for him to get into these types of moments. She forgot how far she crossed the line

❧R E M O R S E ❧ [the sequel]Where stories live. Discover now