❧twenty nine❧

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N A R R A T I O N ❧❧❧❧❧❧❧❧❧❧❧❧❧❧❧❧❧❧

Dawn sat on the floor with her head buried in the heavy presence of her hands. She held the card in one, while she used the other palm to steady her head up.

"Dawn?" Michelle's voice rang into the room; causing Dawn to look up with sudden shock. She completely forgot her friend was home. And now that she had broken down into tears, she had to provide some sort of an explanation to her

Dawn stood and began crumbling the card into her pocket when Michelle approached her. "What happened? Are you okay?"

Dawn used her hand place some strands of hair over her face to cover the fact that her eyes were now reddened and inflamed. She nodded. "Yeah" she cleared her throat. "I'm fine"

"Clearly not" her friend stared into her face as if trying to observe and create an idea to determine what was going on. She knew her friend was very much stubborn, especially with her emotions. She attempted in masking how she felt almost every day.

But Michelle was no stranger to Dawn. She knew how much she's been hurting. But as her friend she's had to tell her things the way they were meant to be told; no sugarcoating was necessary in this friendship. Never had been. Never will be.

"Michelle I'm fine" Dawn spat as she went to walk away when Michelle held her back

"Stop doing this!" She said; now yelling. "Just talk to me! Stop hiding how you feel I'm here to help you, Dawn!"

"I told you I was fine!" She raised her voice back. "I don't need a pillow to cry on" as she turned to walk away; self freeing herself from Michelle's grip, her friend snatched the already ruined card out of her pocket

"So what's this, huh?" She asked as she raised the card in the air; flaring it around with her hand.

Dawn turned and faced her; now ready to lash out on the woman. "Give it to me, Michelle!"

"Let's read this together" she said as she held the card up in the air while using her eyes as a guide over the finely imprinted words that covered the shimmery paper.

She lowered her hand with furrowed eyebrows. "Who gave you this?"

"Who else would it be" she said as she snatched the card out of her hand.

"Mattia gave this to you when Adalyn was leaving?"

She nodded.

"So now we're going to his wedding?" Michelle asked with raised eyebrows

"I'm going"

"And I'm going with you"

"No you're not" she said as she folded the card into her pocket once more. "He said it was for me"

"For you?" Her friend spoke with a slight sarcastic grin on her face. "I'm sorry but if anything, he would give me that letter. Why would he invite you to his wedding"

"Is there a problem with that?" Dawn asked; knowing well enough that she was lying

"So why the fuck were you just crying then?"

Dawn stood there, unable to talk. "Maybe because he had the audacity to invite me to his wedding. As if he was laughing in my face" It was also untrue. If anything, Mattia cared about nothing more than simply inviting people to his ceremony. He had no interest in bashing his ex lover. It wasn't anything amusing to bother her

"So you're going to your ex boyfriend's wedding.. without me?" She scoffed.

"Yeah. What's wrong with that?" She smiled confusedly; trying to hide the knowledge of the letter actually being for her friend

"You're unbelievable" she shook her head and rolled her eyes

"How am I unbelievable?"

"So after everything, you're trying to tell me that you're going to this man's wedding by yourself? You haven't had an actual conversation with him in over eight months. Why would he only invite you?"

"What difference does it make for you? Are you the one getting married or him?"

"I'm done with this conversation" she laughed angrily and began walking out of the room.

"You're never happy for me"

"Happy for you to be going to his wedding? What're you gonna do by yourself? Sit there and raise a glass after they make vows and then what? You won't be sitting at that dinner table with Adalyn. She'll be with her father. And then what does that leave you as? Just a wedding guest. So if you truly believe he's inviting you to his wedding from the joy of his heart, then you're so so wrong. And it's sad that you think that. I really do feel bad for you, making yourself look like a fool"

"A fool? Who the fuck are you?"

"I'm the woman who allowed you to live in her house off of her own earnings. The woman who came out of nothing with you, to being successful and happy. I've seen way worse than a bad fight in a friendship. So i won't sugar coat things for you anymore. Like it or not, you'll look like a fool for leading him on and then begging for him once he's a married man"

"Michelle just go!" She yelled as she threw a hand up to 'shoo' her friend. And then without saying anything more, she decided to grab her keys, wallet, and phone, and head out.

And she knew exactly where she was going

❧R E M O R S E ❧ [the sequel]Where stories live. Discover now