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N A R R A T I O N ❧❧❧❧❧❧❧❧❧❧❧❧❧❧❧❧❧❧

Dawn walked down the block with the wind blowing her hair over her face and drying the redness in her eyes. She held tightly onto her phone and wallet as she made a left turn when she reached the corner of the block

She lowered her head as she walked past strangers and stores. She was trying to clear her mind. And she knew this unexpected wedding was soon; meaning she needed an outfit.

This is selfish, she thought, but reminded herself that if Michelle didn't find out the letter was actually hers, she wouldn't be mad

Dawn continued walking for about five minutes as she got out of the crowded streets and into a more peaceful area of her town. One with shops that had a distance of a few feet in between them. Shops that were quite costly; therefore most people avoided entering them.

She stood in front of a Boutique. A dress shop titled 'Jessica's Boutiques and Tailoring' . Dawn had shopped here before for an event she had attended in the past. But it was a one time thing. She didn't know how much different the clothing items were now. All she needed was a dress. A simple one for the wedding she would be attending in a few weeks

Dawn pulled the lever on the door which activated an automated bell to ring. She smiled to herself as she instantly began looking around the shop before seeing a woman dressed in all grey approach her.

"Hi, how are you?"

"I'm good" Dawn said as her lips fell into a thin line

"My name's Jennevive and I'll be here if you need any help with a certain color, size, or general dress that we might have stored in the back" she smiled nicely

"Thank you"

The woman nodded before heading to the back of the store. Dawn could hear faint sounds over the sound of classical music playing on the speakers. She began touching dresses that hung off racks but none of them seemed to interest her much.

"Jennevive?" She asked softly and looked around to see the woman was nowhere in sight. As a minute or so passed by, she decided to look for her

Her eyes grazed over other items of clothing as she proceeded to the back of the store where the faint sound of chatter got louder. However she had to push past curtains as it seemed like that area was closed off of some reason.

She couldn't see much in front of her other than the shade of the curtains and the outline of a woman wearing grey. "Excuse me, Jennevive I was wondering if you had any other dresses-"

She pushed past the curtains to see a group of heads turn and face her. She immediately looked at the woman dressed in grey.

She wasn't Jennevive.

"Excuse me they have a scheduled appointment ma'am you have to leave" she said loudly

Dawn's mouth opened slightly as she turned her head. And the expression on her face dropped.

"Mommy!" the sound of her daughter's voice rung in her ears as she looked down and saw Adalyn sitting in a chair directly in front of Ava who was standing highly on a pedestal

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