❧twenty eight ❧

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N A R R A T I O N ❧❧❧❧❧❧❧❧❧❧❧❧❧❧❧❧❧❧

The doorbell rang and Dawn immediately rushed to the front door. It was 10 p.m. and Adalyn was outside with Mattia. She hadn't expected him to keep her out for so long. Although she can't give him a curfew for his own daughter, she was worried sick for her

She turned the doorknob and saw Adalyn waiting directly in front of her as Mattia walked down the porch towards his car; without saying anything.

"Hey mommy" Adalyn said as she entered the house; snapping Dawn back into reality as she looked down at her daughter.

"Hey baby. How was your night with papa?" She asked as she shut the door

"It was so much fun!" She said. "We had a picnic and we played a game with Ava"

"Ava?" She asked furrowing her brows. "Oh I didn't know you guys went out with Ava"

"Yeah and look what Papa got me!" She smiled as she slightly tugged on the golden chain that dangled from her neck.

Dawn smiled slightly. "Oh wow. Papa got you that?"

The little girl nodded as Michelle entered the room. "Hey Ada" she smiled and rubbed the girl's shoulder.

"Michelle look what Papa got me!"

Michelle stared down at the heart pendant and smiled. "Aww that's so sweet of him. Why did he get you it?"

"It's his daughter, Michelle. He should spoil her" Dawn crossed her arms over her chest.

"I don't know why he got it. We were playing a game and we had to look under cups to find out gift-"

"Who's 'we' ?" Michelle asked while glancing up at Dawn

"Ava. Me and her were playing the game"

"Mm" Michelle nodded as she continued listening in

"And then I found my gift under a cup! And then it was Ava's turn and she found her gift and it was a small box"

Dawn furrowed her eyebrows as she listened to her daughter finish up her story

"What was in the box?" Michelle asked

"Well Papa took it from her and then he got down on one knee"

Michelle's mouth went agape. Without a smile. She couldn't do anything except look up at Dawn who was just as equally confused. She became to move in her place as her eyes stared off at the floor. Her heart was racing immediately; oh how her mood had changed in the instance of the moment

"He proposed?" Michelle whispered. "Oh my god"

"And then Ava started crying and he was saying a long speech and then he was crying too and then he put the ring on her finger and they told me to come in for a hug"

Dawn sighed to herself as she turned away from the two and entered the kitchen; quickly wiping her teary eyes before Michelle could see any of it. She had to keep her composure. She didn't know why she was breaking down like this. She thought she had moved on already

"Fuck" she whispered as she pretended to look through the fridge but it was only to distract herself from her thoughts

"Dawn" Michelle whispered as she entered the room and looked at her friend. "I had no idea"

Dawn didn't answer.

"Dawn?" Michelle whispered again as she grabbed her friend lightly and saw her eyes were teary. "Oh baby don't cry"

"Michelle I just need some space please" she took a deep breath

"Y-yeah, of course. Take all the time you need" she gave her friend a hug before walking out the room. Her phone began ringing. Michelle took it out of her pocket and stared down at the screen before looking at Dawn.

"Dawn I'm gonna take this call real fast" she said before walking upstairs

And yet again, she was alone with her thoughts once more.

The doorbell rang and Dane approached it. "Adalyn your Dad is here!" She said loudly as her daughter cane running towards her.

"You ready?" She asked her little girl who nodded before opening the door. Mattia stood at the front and quickly glared at Dawn before looking down at Adalyn.

"Hey babygirl" he said as he took her hand.

Then, he took an envelope out of his pocket and handed it to Dawn without looking at her. "It's for Michelle"

She nodded as her heart began racing. She clutched into the envelope as Mattia and her daughter began walking off towards his car .

"Mattia!" Dawn yelled before they could enter the vehicle. He turned to her with a blank face.

"Congrats on the proposal" she said with a small and forced smile. Who was she fooling; she was crying on the inside.

He went to smile when he held it back. And instead, nodded before entering the car with his daughter

Shutting the door quickly, Dawn ripped the envelope open and stared at the card.

" 𝒀𝒐𝒖 𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝒊𝒏𝒗𝒊𝒕𝒆𝒅 𝒕𝒐 𝑴𝒂𝒕𝒕𝒊𝒂 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑨𝒗𝒂'𝒔 𝑾𝒆𝒅𝒅𝒊𝒏𝒈!

𝑫𝒂𝒕𝒆: 𝑴𝒂𝒚 12

𝑪𝒐𝒏𝒕𝒂𝒄𝒕 : (*** *** ****) 𝑭𝒐𝒓 𝒇𝒖𝒓𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓 𝒊𝒏𝒇𝒐𝒓𝒎𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏"

She stared at the card in her hand before breaking down on the floor. Her fingers trembled as she lightly banged the back of her head on the door. She was trying to breath but couldn't move in her own skin

She had to get him back....

She had too

A/n: I just wanna make something clear: if you do not like the way this book is going you don't have to read it! I've gotten several unhappy messages and comments and I just wanna let you know that I'm happy for whoever reads and enjoys this book. Some people are mad because it's not going the way they want it to and I said there would be a happy ending. The 'maybe' part a few chapters ago was a joke. This clearly isn't the end of the book. But no one is forcing you to read this !! There'll be no hard feelings, don't worry. But messaging me that you hate the way it's going makes no sense. Just don't read it!!! I could care less !

Anyways, thank you for those who enjoy this so far ! Ily guys and thank you for the support I've gotten. These two weeks have been dreadful due to the passing of some family members. Thank you for those who gave your condolences  you mean the world to me🥺❤️

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