Chapter 16

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 Dread bubbled through me as I stood outside Hope Regional. It had been a few days since I'd come out of my heat and I'd been at war with myself, trying to figure out what I was going to do.

Nathan had tried calling me a few times, but I couldn't bring myself to answer him. Instead I found myself writing and then deleting multiple texts for Rhett.

I wasn't going to be able to put of seeing Nathan forever though, since he was the only doctor that had any idea about even the possibility of me being pregnant. Sighing I walked through the front door and straight past the reception desk. I'd been visiting Nathan so often, I doubted anyone would find my being there strange.

Reaching his office, I paused. No matter what happened next, I knew I'd need to be strong. Lifting my hand I knocked on the door, waiting for the muffled greeting and invitation before opening the door.

Nathan's scent wrapped around me, whiskey and citrus, clean and fresh, but not the smell I had found myself craving, both during and after my heat. He continued to type as I stood there, waiting to be awknowled.

"Close the door and sit down Ryan." He didn't bother to look up from the screen he'd been typing on. "It's nice that you've finally decided to remember I exist in your life."

Guilt beat into me. The conversation we were about to have wasn't off to a great start.

"I... I'm sorry I haven't been responding to your calls lately Nathan." My voice wavered as I spoke, what little determination I'd had crumbling in the face of the man I so desperately wanted to love.

"Sorry doesn't really make up for the way you've been acting now does it?" Nathan still wasn't looking at my, but his hands had frozen on his keyboard when I spoke. "The least you could have done was call me yourself and let me know you were sick. Or even better you should have come and see me."

"I know I should have but... things... something strange happened to me a few days ago and... I just... I wasn't sure how to handle it." My chest was tight with panic, but I pushed on, knowing that I had to be honest even if it hurt. "I... I think I may have become fertile and went into the human equivalent of a heat."

"You..." He finally looked up at me, realization clicking in a moment later. "You went into heat? So you were avoiding me because you... you avoided me so as to avoid getting pregnant?"

Realization turned to confusion and hurt. I'd thought Nathan would be pissed that I hadn't reached out to him during my heat, but the hurt in his expression was almost worse.

"No... not... not exactly." A soft caught in my throat seeing all that pain reflected in his eyes. "I... I didn't know what was happening to me and... I must have blacked out at some point... I've only got patchy memories for the three days of it..."

"Oh... I see... I mean that makes sense in a way. If your body was so focused on just one thing then your brain probably shut down to try and protect you." He relaxed, even offering me a weak smile. "I still wish you would have called me so I could take notes and help you through it."

Sucking in a breath I debated on continuing. If I stopped now, Nathan wouldn't need to know about Rhett and I could simply break up with him. I wanted to do that desperately, but it wouldn't be fair or right to do that.

"There.... There's more Nathan..." Slowly I let my breath out, trying to will my body to relax. "When... At some point during my heat... I called... I called my neighbor Rhett, needing... needing him. He didn't come over at first, but I must have freaked Dreece out because when I woke up... he was there. He said he'd been taking care of me for a few days... In every way."

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