Chapter 28

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"Your very relaxed, your safe." Dr. Kim's voice falls deep into my mind. He speaks softly and slowly.
The hypnosis session has started, and he has put me into a deep relaxation state where he can enter my sub conscience.

"Don't think about anything, just imagine white around you, emptiness." He say.



"Now I want you to think about your beautiful house in the woods that your father bought, did you like that house?"

"Yes" I replied. "How was it?" 

"Very big, with wooden floors and stairs." "Good, now I want you to go to that house, I'm here with you, you're safe." I take a deep breath. "Okay."

I open my eyes and I'm in front of my house, it's night time already, and a cold wind makes me shiver.


"Cold? Are you there, Y/N?"


"What do you see?" He ask. "It's dark and very cold... there's snow everywhere." 

"How is the house?"

"It's very silent, all the lights are off."

"Can you get in?"

"I can try." the cold wind and the snow under my feet makes me tremble as I walk towards the front door. "I'm scared, something's not right, I feel like I need to run away from this house." "Nothing will happen to you, I promise." When he says that, my surroundings change and suddenly I'm inside my bedroom. "I'm in me bedroom now, the power is off, everything looks..." My bed is a mess, my laptop on my desk, and a digital clock marking 11:36 pm.

"It's nearly midnight, everything is so...silent." "Maybe they're sleeping." 

"No, it's Saturday night, they always stay up late watching movies."

"Where are your parents now?"

"Probably downstairs, watching a movie, although now that the power is off, dad must be trying to find a way to turn it back on."

"Why aren't you with them?"

"I was talking to Jasmine through Skype when the power went off." My whole body moves by itself towards the door, it's as if I'm living that night all over again. "I'm scared." "Nothing will happen. Are you getting out of your room?" "Yes." "Good, you can do it. And whatever you see, remember you're safe." Swallowing hard, I open the door and walk out of my room, using my hands against the walls to guide me. I reach the hallway, where a window illuminates the place. But suddenly I see the silhouette of a man with the contrast of the moonlight coming from the window behind him. He's dressed in black, a cloth covering his face except his eyes. "Y/N."

 That's not my father's voice. I step back immediately. "W-who are you?" "You're so beautiful." He says in English, but he doesn't sound natural. He steps towards me, and I can only stay petrified in fear. My eyes move to his left hand. which is holding a knife, dripping blood.

I don't think twice, and run back to my bedroom, locking the door. I breathe heavily, my heart accelerated. "He's here, the killer, h-he's here."

"Y/N, I need you to breathe." Dr. Kim told. I try to breathe, remembering that this is only a memory. But suddenly, I hear noises coming from downstairs, followed by the killers quick steps. My parents... are they still alive? Is he going towards them now?! Overcoming my fear, I walk downstairs. I step into the living room, feeling my heart in my throat, my hands shaking. But I wasn't ready to see what I did, and I never will be.

"My eyes find both my parents, tied to a chair in the middle of the living room. Their bodies are covered in deep wounds and blood, creating a huge pool of blood underneath them. The horrific sight paralyzes my body, my brain not accepting what my eyes are seeing. 

"No... this... thi8s can't be..." I feel my heart stop completely, my eyes filling with tears, all my strength disappearing. I run towards them, kneeling in front of them, letting out and an agonizing cry. My clothes get soaked in blood as I cry and scream desperately, begging that this is only a dream, that this isn't true.

"Mom... d-dad please, please stay with me, stay with me!!" They are both completely unresponsive, and I feel my face soaking in tears. But suddenly, I see my mother moving her head slightly. Sh-she's still alive?! Immediately, I hold her face, bringing it up to meet my eyes. She opens her eyes very slowly, but when her eyes meet mine, the fear I find in them leaves me breathless. She's completely terrified.

"M-Mom?" Suddenly, I feel a pair of arms grabbing me from behind, pressing me against his chest. "No!!! Let me go, let me-" "Shh." He  whispers in my ear, but I keep screaming, punching and kick the man holding me, trying to set me free. 

"How could you do this!? You're a monster!!" I fight, I kick, I scratch, but nothing works, and my vision starts to get blurry. I'm going to pass out. My vision starts to fade, until It completely turns black. But within all the caos, I'm able to hear a sound coming from the back door. I feel the man holding me releasing my, and walking towards the direction of that sound. Is someone else here? No... you need to run away... run..."

"Y/N!" Dr. Kim screamed. I open my eyes, still kicking everything around me.. "You're safe, you're safe, shh." "My mother, she...she..." I'm shaking, thick tears rolling down my cheeks. "I try to calm down. Dr. Kim offers me a relaxing tea, and I accept it with trembling hands.

 "I'm sorry, Y/N. I warned you this could be painful." 

"I Know, but it worked. I remember a lot more than I expected." 

"Very good, would you like me to call Detective Jung?"

I nod, and Dr. Kim lets him in.

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