-5- The Truth

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How I got to my room last night, I just couldn't remember. But the arguments coming from my parents room is worth listening to.

I checked the time on my phone, it was 12:30 midnight.

" You don't really know anything about young girls this days ! And I have told you many times, CUT DOWN your church activities and pay attention to your children!" My dad yelled.

I couldn't believe my ears, my dad raising his voice at my mom? To us his children yes, but my mom? No no no.

" I know my daughter very well honey, has she not always told me things? We have good relationship, it's just this few days that she's been acting so strangely" my mom defended herself.

"So what did the doctor say?" My dad asked.

" Nothing serious, he only suggested that we see a psychologist, but I don't agree with him. She just needs prayers" my mom responded.

" Sweetheart, you are an educated woman, a teacher, what does prayers has to do with all this? You better open your eyes and check your daughter" my dad warned.

I tiptoed as fast as I could to my room when I heard my dad's voice approaching the door.

The darkness of my room gave me hope, I saw my life as a gift from God. I have to do something before it's too late.

But I'm so scared of my dad's reaction. What will he say? How can I face him? I thought about many things and slept off.


I woke up feeling different, better than the past days. Today is Sunday, I missed going to Mass. If no one would understand me, I believe God will.

I took a short shower, checked through my wardrobe for church clothes. I grabbed a long straight blue gown, wore a light makeup, a simple scarf and a wedge shoe. The puff of my smart perfume reminded me of who I was before days back.

I joined my family down stairs at the table for breakfast.

"Hadassah!" My mom said with her mouth dropped in supprise.

" Going somewhere?" My dad managed to say.

" Good morning Mom and Dad" I greeted

" We will be late for Mass, let's hurry I hate staying outside the church" I said, making my tea.

My dad fetched the car keys and headed straight to the garage.

The drive to church was in silence. My parents kept staring at each other and then at me with a surprise look.

Meg broke the silence with an announcement. "We are here! She said.

I tried to observed the people beautifully dressed in different Ankara styles then I suddenly heard.

"Ojo! And uncle Owen!" Meg shouted.

I froze and couldn't feel or hear anything.

"I...I...I need to go back home" I stammered.

My parents became confused again.

I grabbed my little bag and rushed out before they could ask me more questions.

Thanks to the change in my bag, I took a bike home and locked myself up in my room.

"How will I ever be myself again?" I wondered in bed.

My life is so complicated right now, but I won't go on like this. I have to tell someone and get help.

Shortly my parents got back and were still puzzled about my strange behaviours.

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