-19- I Need to Know

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Its been six months since the wedding of my role model, the same six months ago I saw Owen. My joy was that everyone stood by me, my family, and Mrs. Jeffery. I kept my blog going at every chance I got, more people subscribed and I kept referring many that need counseling to Mrs. Jeffery.

Nathan was doing very well in school and won't let anyone drink water and drop the cup. He would sit us all in the living room and force us to repeat whatever he was teaching. He got upset one Sunday when my mom couldn't pronounce what he asked her to. I watched them and hid my laugh from the dinning.

"But son, I don't know why your teacher should introduce such a topic to you? You are just four years old."

She said trying to get up, but Nathan standing whining and stomping his feet.

"Okay, sister Dassah please help me out here," she said feeling tired.

I joined them on the couch and listened to his songs about dinosaurs and their names.

"Please dear, what is stegosaurus?" she asked as we walked to the kitchen leaving him to watch his dinosaur count down video.

"Mom, his teacher explained in the newsletter that his class theme for this month is dinosaur. So I had to quickly researched so as not to face this his wahala."

"You see? why didn't you brief me a little before facing this professor."

We both laughed and started making dinner.

Nathan is indeed a gift from God, I never knew that I will join my family in discussing Nathan here and Nathan there. But to the glory of God, it happened. My life had changed from the Haddassah that was so bitter, afraid, and timid to a courageous, hardworking, lover of Christ and a mother.

From the story people shared on my blog, I found out that my story was nothing compared to what others had and are still going through.

A girl narrated how her dad's elder brother living with them had been abusing her, she couldn't speak out because he threatens to rape her nine years old sister and kill her dad. Mrs. Jeffery is still helping her with an online session without her video on of course because she wants everything confidential.

Some of the rape survivals on my blog are even married women. They felt better each time they share their experiences using fake names and locations. Mrs. Jeffrey and I came up with a better name for it. "I Need to know".


Mrs. Jeffrey visited me at school one weekend when I told her that I won't be going home that weekend. She said she had something very important to discuss with me. She had not sounded serious like that with me in years. So I panicked.

We sat in the school garden and chatted about Nathan, then her love story with her husband before she turned serious again.

I held both her hands and looked into her eyes.

"Sister Juliet, please what's is going on? Is your visa ready and you are leaving me?"

She quickly squeezed my hands.

"No, no, no dear, it's not that. It's something else."

"What then?" I said with sweat breaking out of my forehead in the February heat.

" Senior pastor called me yesterday to discuss something delicate about you."

I left her hands and stomped my feet.

"Not with the something again sis."

"Okay listen, Owen came to the church and confessed what he did to you."

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