-9- Change

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My dad drove us home like a wild beast, I have never seen him like that before.

"Can you see the shame you are bringing on me Hadassah! I have given you everything a father would give his child. You attend one of the best private schools here in Kubwa, you have never experience hunger or school fees drive......"

"Honey calm down and focus on the road...."

"Shut up! I can drive into a coming vehicle and so what?"

"You allowed her to bring shame on my family's name, imagine how that woman you call your friend insulted me, me Obi....no no no no"

My mom remained quite and allowed my dad to say everything from his mind. He insulted me to the point that the neighbours starting opening their doors when we reach the door.

"Useless girl!" My dad said and slammed the door after glaring at me.

Our house was ghost quiet for the rest of the day. No one said anything to me except for Meg who was very confused, she kept asking my mom what the problem was, why no one went to school or work that day. All she got was yelling.


The next day, my dad barged into my room early again and asked me to be ready in five minutes. I did, and met him in the car with my mom looking very sad. I greeted but no one answered. My dad drove across few streets and I noticed we were at St. Mary's Hospital. We registered and I was asked to follow a nurse, no questions asked I followed. They checked my temperature and asked me to stretch out my arms, some blood were taken and the lady gave me a little tube to bring my urine I obeyed.

I returned to my parents at the reception. Shortly a doctor came and said something to them, he shook hands with my dad and I saw my parents heading for the exit without saying anything to me so I ran after them like a little child.

When we got home, my mom took her bag and left for work with Meg. I didn't know that my dad had gone earlier when I was taking my bath.

Mrs. Johnson visited me, she managed to calm my fears. She told me about the stories of many girls that were raped in the bible.

"Courage Hadassah, this is the hardest part, it will be over soon believe me"

"Thank you ma'am"

"No one talks to me in this house, I only get insults and glares. Thank you so much for coming ma"

"I told you, that I will always be here for you just count on me okay"

Her warm embrace gave me comfort, I didn't want to let go.

I remained in the living room doing the chores before my mom will return home with complains. I just needed to be strong for what ever it is that is coming next. I'm sure my dad wants the doctor to clarify things for him. Soon he will believe me and be on my side, because I really need my family to believe and support me right now.

My mom returned with Meg, she passed me and pretended not to see me or hear my greetings.

"Hadassah, can't you just tell your daddy that everything is a lie? I just want all this to be over. You won't believe what the neighbours are saying, I can't bear this shame for long Dassah"

I ran to my room and shut the door. I sat under the running shower with my clothes on and cried for as long as I could.

"Dassah, mom said come down for dinner" Meg said knocking.

"I'm not hungry!"


No one cares anymore, my mom didn't come back to persuade me to eat as before or Meg sneaking snacks to me. But I don't care if I die before morning anyway because tomorrow everyone will be home its Saturday. I can't face them.

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