-15- A New Day

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Wow! I'm in my eighth month now. All  I could think about is showing my naked body to the doctor. I don't know why that should bother me than the labour pain. I have watched women screamed in pain during labour in the movie. Now this is real.

Sleeping at night became a problem. I kept turning from my back to my side until I couldn't take it anymore.

"Hadassah, I have been watching you all night. What's up?"

I hissed and walked towards her.

"I couldn't find a better position to sleep  sis. This is not a joke at all. It's too much!"

She sat me down to comfort me as usual.

"See dear, you are almost done carrying this child alone. Once he or she  is born, we all will help."

I rested my head on her shoulder. She started singing and stroking my hair. I could only think about what would come next. The doctor said two weeks ago that everything is fine. I know I shouldn't be worried but I just couldn't help but worry about everything.

Ms. Johnson covered me when she thought I was asleep and started praying. Prayer has become part of our lives, and I praised the name of the Lord with her in the silence of my heart.

We stayed in bed till noon the next day. After all it's August, school is out.

The rains kept dropped daily making the weather cold. She joined me in the morning exercise and helped me eat the right food. Tomorrow is another appointment with the doctor, I hope everything still stays the same.

Ms Johnson drove me to the hospital in her new gray Hyundai telling me stories from the bible about the Hebrew women and Pharaoh's orders.


I worked with the strength of ten people that day. I washed, wiped, and rearranged the house. Ms. Johnson got tired of convincing me to rest. It was a rainy day; August rain won't stop falling. We went shopping for the holiday and she bought more things for the baby. I wish my mom was here, I'm grateful for all the love and support from Ms. Johnson but a mother's bond I was told is stronger.

What happened to all the love she showered on me when I was growing up? Is it only in marriage that we stay for better or worse? We are family, charity begins at home said the Bible. Mary, mother of our Lord Jesus had the support of her family before that of Joseph. I let out a deep sigh from my thoughts.

"What are you thinking about Hadassah?" I totally forgot that we were watching a movie together.

"Nothing sis" I huddled in the couch adjusting my head warmer.

"Nothing? Tell me the truth, Dassah."

I raised my head to look at her with tears in my eyes and said sharply;

"I missed my mom..."

She rushed to my side and hugged me stroking my back.

"Shhhh, it's alright, it is normal to feel this way. I told you that I will keep checking and asking around, besides, this is a long holiday. I will make out time tomorrow to check one of my colleagues' house at Apo resettlement where Mrs. Brown said they move to."

"Thank you" I whispered.

We went to bed around 10 pm. I slept off shortly but felt uncomfortable and I woke up to a running stomach. I checked the time , it was 1 am. I tiptoed to the kitchen for a drink when I saw Ms. Johnson joining me.

"Couldn't sleep again?" she asked opening the fridge

"it's my system, I have pooed almost four times since 1 am"

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