Chapter Six: A Fated Partnership

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As my fingers stroked away at the keys on my keyboard, I slowly drew near completion on an after action report from one of my last missions for Chaldea. Glancing down at the clock to see how long I had been at it, the time read 12:06 PM on 11/28/2020. I was working on two years at being at Chaldea Security Organization and it was still a mystery as to why I did what I did, it was only a little over a year ago that I learned that magic even existed. Now I spend my days playing soldier for this organization I've never even heard of. I was a Mechanical Engineer, not a soldier. I dealt in Science and Mathematics, not magic and things that should be impossible. This is never what I wanted to be doing with my life. Yet here I was. "I should have never listened to Lawrence back in College. I should have just waited the Market out..." I murmured. Just as I murmured that a file was slapped down in front of my face on my keyboard. "Hey!" I exclaimed as I looked up to face the culprit. "Oh Commander Anderson!" I exclaimed as I saw the commanding officer of my section standing over me. Anderson crossed his arms as he looked down at me. Anderson was an older gentleman from the United Kingdom, he and I got along pretty well together. Anderson never told me much about himself, but he was as normal as a guy as one could find around here. A lot of the people at Chaldea all came from prestigious mage families going back hundred of years and were versed in magic that was beyond my comprehension or skill level. Anderson and I seemed to stick out from the rest of the crowd as we were outsiders who acted like the men using matchlock rifles when Automatic rifles existed, everyone seemed to ruffle their eyebrows at the thought of not using mage craft to solve all our problems, but seeing as how Anderson was in charge nobody was given a choice. Which was fine in my book since I already preferred using guns.

I looked down at the folder on my desk which had a red seal around it, breaching the seal with a knife I looked back up at Anderson. "So what exactly is this?" I asked.

"Just read it before you ask any questions, okay. I know how inquisitive you can be." Anderson replied. I could only sigh as I looked back down at the folder and flipped open the folder beginning to read its contents. As my eyes ran down the paper my mind raced with questions. It wasn't until they reached the end of the last page did I finally open my mouth.

"Respectively speaking, what the hell is this Anderson? I never signed up to take on a partner!" I exclaimed as I threw the folder onto the corner of my desk.

"You're an officer Christopher, it's your responsibility to train new recruits and show them the ropes." Anderson replied. "A Fresh batch of recruits came in from training. So as a Veteran member, you along with all of the other officers are to take one on and train them." Anderson went on. "Also ever since that incident in Greece, it came from the Higher ups that no one is allowed to operate without a partner watching their back. So get used to it from now on." Anderson said and I rolled my eyes.

"One chick gets killed and everyone loses their minds! It was her fault anyway for being reckless. If she had been more careful she would have completed her operation without any trouble." I said throwing my arms behind my head.

"It's easy for you to say that not being in her shoes." Anderson said. "Now Orders are Orders. So quit your complaining and get ready for the new recruits to arrive. You'll be assigned your partner when they arrive." Anderson explained.

"I don't suppose you know who I'm going to be stuck with?" I inquired with a raised eyebrow.

"I won't be the one who's doing the assigning." Anderson responded. "So let us hope for your sake you are not partnered with a posh Mage from a prestigious family." Anderson chuckled.

"Yeah no kidding, I am the worst possible person to be teaching anybody anything." I said as I grasped my knees and pushed myself up. "I would likely learn more from the recruit than I would teach them." I added and this only caused Anderson to chuckle even more. "This is so stupid..." I thought to myself.

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