Chapter Twenty Four: Septem

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What had felt like almost an eternity, I finally found my feet touching solid ground. Once my eyes had opened I was greeted by lush rolling hills sprawling with green grass. The hills stretched as far as the human eye could see, the plains were dotted with flowers and trees. I took a deep breath and my nostrils were filled with the smell of the briny seawater that was directly ahead of me. I spotted seagulls soaring high in the sky above the ocean. It was a cloudless day today and it seemed as if the sun was shining. So this was ancient Italy it would seem...

Just then I heard someone beside me breathe in deeply. "Ahh. It seems like another successful leyshift this time, Senpai." I heard Mashu's voice ask off from my side. I faced Mashu and saw her standing besides me with her big lavender eyes staring back at me.

"It would seem so." I replied with a nod of my head.

"The bracing sea air, the smell of dirt, and the endless blue skies." Mashu said as she looked up into the sky. My gaze followed where Mashu was looking and once more I found a large eclipse staring back at me like before. "It's strange though. No matter how many times I experience this, the ground that I stand on feels so different." Mashu muttered.

"Well, ultimately it is the same ground and at the same time it is not." I said as I scratched my head curiously. "We're just standing on ground that happens to be a few hundred years younger in a parallel universe." I explained, or at least tried to explain. "Although if we were to come here in the modern day, I'm sure there probably would just be another Wal-Mart standing here." I added jokingly.

"Do they even have Wal-Marts in Italy, Senpai?" Mashu asked looking back at me.

"I don't know to be honest, I've never visited Italy." I replied as I scratched my forehead. "I'm sure there is an Italian equivalent of Wal-Mart however." I added.

"Perhaps we should visit Italy one day?" Mashu suggested.

"Perhaps we shall..." I said. "Although that feeling might change once this is all done and dusted with..." I murmured quietly under my breath.

"Hmm what did you say, Senpai?" Mashu inquired.

"Huh...? Oh Nothing. Don't worry about it." I said dismissively with a wave of my hand.

"I see..." Mashu said before returning her gaze forward. Her eyes brimmed with excitement as she looked out over the surrounding area. "I don't quite know how to describe this feeling I'm having right now..." Mashu said as she gripped her chest tightly. "I can feel my heart is beating against my chest."

"Just take a deep breath Mashu. I'm sure you'll be alright." I said as I reached over and patted her gently on the back.

"I-I have.... It's just that...." Mashu stammered before taking a moment to collect herself. Mashu's hand slid down, stopping on her stomach and proceeded to take another deep breath. "... How do I put this, all of this is just so overwhelming." Mashu finally said.

"Ah I see, that tends to happen when you're thrust into new environments." I said as I straightened my jacket out with my free hand.

"When we were in France, I was constantly on alert so I didn't have much time to think about this with one shock after another. So now it's like I'm finally able to face this landscape." Mashu explained and I couldn't help but smile a little.

"You'll get used to it soon enough Mashu." I said as I rubbed her back once more before proceeding to grip her shoulder tightly. "Everyone gets used to it eventually..." I added before taking a step forward to face our surroundings. I stood there silently for several moments, taking in the scenery before us.

"Even you Senpai?" Mashu inquired and I looked over my shoulder at her. Mashu eyed me curiously.

"Yes Mashu even me." I said lowering my head, letting out a slight chuckle. "Truth be told, I've seen more than enough of my share of Earth..." I told her which earned a chuckle from Mashu. I returned my gaze to looking back up into the sky. "...I'd much rather gaze elsewhere." I murmured quietly under my breath.

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